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Nicole Arbour: parents who drug their kids

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Fortunately our family Doctor is different to most. He swings the other way were he's gotten a lot of my family members off pharmaceutical meds, and none of them have had adverse effects from doing so.


I'm of the opinion that a lot of Doc's/Chemist/Pharm Companies tend to follow/create trends. Like I remember early-mid 80's every second kid in Australia had asthma so Ventolin was prescribed, then it was the ADHD trend and Ritalin was prescribed, and so on. Seems like it's one big con job to a lot of folk, and they're the guinea pigs for it. But as you mentioned, Ozzy. There are some genuine cases out there. What the true percentage of those folk are, we'll never really know.

yeah they literally broadened the "indications" for ADD/ADHD symptoms in the late 80's, leading to a ridiculous increase in diagnosis.

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yeah they literally broadened the "indications" for ADD/ADHD symptoms in the late 80's, leading to a ridiculous increase in diagnosis.

doesn't that sound allot like what a breeder would do with a new cross & beta testing that cross , get the seeds in the hands of many 

growers & see how she does , human drug beta testing , like an ol politician move , change the criteria , aka , move the goal posts & your good to dispense away 


i'm talking tish but that's what that feels like , BS 

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doesn't that sound allot like what a breeder would do with a new cross & beta testing that cross , get the seeds in the hands of many 

growers & see how she does , human drug beta testing , like an ol politician move , change the criteria , aka , move the goal posts & your good to dispense away 


i'm talking tish but that's what that feels like , BS

Holy shit Itchy!


you do way to much thinkin lol


what organic strain you growin again?


gotta get me some of that! lol


You should write a book lol

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Sounds terrible but wonder if you can give me some advice. I appreciate you cannot use these forums to buy or sell pot but I would like to get in touch with a sensible intelligent person -preferably living on the North Shore Sydney who has a penchant for weed and might be able to provide advice regarding cultivation for personal use and the finer points of recreational use of weed without hanging around drug dealers any ne'er do wells etc.


Many Thanks for any info.

We are all sensible and highly intelligent Mr Moore,

In fact so intelligent, that we all have used our intellect, to research and increase our own knowledge,in our own time driven by our own initiative, not all are members of the flat bum society....as to the inquiry of providing advice regarding cultivation for personal use and the finer points of recreational use of herb and practical experience in the finer points of being connoisseurs of fine herb and quite marvelous gardeners,maybe even to the point that we have transcended the class system that is still apparent on the North Shore in the ne'er do well area's of that illustrious suburb , 

I will come and see you in the castle me lord ,how do I get across the moat ? Will thou make thee swim ?

Edited by cardrona
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Sounds terrible but wonder if you can give me some advice. I appreciate you cannot use these forums to buy or sell pot but I would like to get in touch with a sensible intelligent person -preferably living on the North Shore Sydney who has a penchant for weed and might be able to provide advice regarding cultivation for personal use and the finer points of recreational use of weed without hanging around drug dealers any ne'er do wells etc.


Many Thanks for any info.


Not quite the place, or the way, to introduce yourself, but what's done is done. 


Quite simple really, being a member of this community gives you exactly what you've asked for, just join in, and ask questions as necessary.  Unless of course you think we are all drug dealers and ne'er do wells etc?


We are all about growing the plant well, and without dodgy chemicals etc, and passion about cannabis in general.  Lots of info and discussion about these things.  No drug dealing is allowed here, and even members that advocate idiotic or unsafe consumption tend to get flamed, so you've nothing to worry about on that front.  Assuming you have no issues around interactions between people of different socio economic backgrounds you'll fit right in and learn as much as you want to.


Welcome to OS  :peace:

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She a fruit loop.


My lads brother has it and it is real, and he has not lost it as an adult like can happen.


For him it is a daily fight but i do agree that some doctors are to ready to put a lable on a kid and pump all that shit into them when there is no need that i have seen as well...


^ I've often wondered why doctors do that. Is it an ego thing or is something more sinister going on, maybe a combination of both

Edited by Bobito_Pepperoni
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Just admit your a nutter, take your pills... See a private psychiatrist immediately, that genuinely isn't a psychopath and yes the odds are against you.


Unfortunately they keep medical records so be sure to burn these..... before you try and find the "right" doctor.


I'm probably being a tad extreme, some people genuinely need medication. But some just don't

Edited by Bobito_Pepperoni
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