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Journal of a new grower

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Hi Everyone,


I would like to start a little growing journal as a very new hobby grower.
 found all of the different journals very helpful. Unfortunately I couldn't find enough beginners ones.


I will share the evolution of my 2 ladies as well as mistakes and success ( hopefully :D ) I am not looking at investing in the best of the best, I know my set up is not the most ideal for the BIGGEST YELD but share this for beginner like me that don't have the budget nor time to be 100% dedicated to the plants and show what to expect.


I am more than open to all of the tips and advices of all kind as I definitely don't entirely know what I am doing.


Please this is not a thread to judge or argue about different technics, everyone have their own way and all of them seems to bring great success growths. Up to everyone to choose the one that suits them the most^^ ( I am absolutely not referencing my previous topic that has been closed for these same reasons :P )  I am here to learn and share. 


So here it is :


- x2 Feminized blue Dream Auto

- medium coco / perlite 50% - 50% ( will be updated to 70 / 30 when transplanted in bigger pot )

- bit bigger than party cup for seedling and 3gallon for veg and flower ( might upgrade to 5gallon fabric pot )

- average temp : 25

- average humidity : 60%

- light : MarsHydro 300

- water when slightly dry ( every 5days on average so far ) with PH 6.2 and Rhyzo ( recently added bit less than 1ml of Canna Terra Vega for 1L of water to gently introduce it to the plant )

- growing space : cupboard 110cm / 60cm

- ventilation : oscillating fan


Germination with paper towel in 36h


Age of ladies : 9days


I have ( yesterday ) repotted the ladies in a smaller pot as carefully as I could which worries me a bit as I will have to again transplant them when they get to maturity ( if they do ), first big mistakes ... don't make any rushed decisions to try to get everything as perfect as possible !

One of the lady's leaves seems to keep curling more and more but keeps growing with a healthy colour. I am worried that the photosynthesis won't be ideal for this plant. ... I have been told it could be from the LED ?

Thank you everyone in advance for your support.



Edited by Jonobo
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Auto's don't like being re potted. It can affect yield and over all growth.


So they should be planted into there final pots from the start, some say 3 gallon pots and others 5 gallon pots depending on genetics, I have a fast buds gorilla glue auto I want to try and they recommend I plant them into 11 to 13 gallon pots (40-50ltrs)


Good luck

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Thank guys for the support!


mlbbitz they look great after only 6days ! impressive compared to my grow.


Day 12 of germination.


Straight after repotting in smaller container they are both moving again, only 24h and despite the stress they are moving !


One healthy looking leave is finally growing out of Dasy ( yes I gave them names ). She has a very nice green colour as well.


Is Alice looking a bit pale green to you guys ??? she used to be dark green. I thought lack of N but they are both less than 2week old. They both get EXACTLY the same feed / light ect.



Now I just realised that I bought the Canna TERRA nuts .... I am growing in coco ... Is it going to make a massive difference and if Yes why ? should I get the coco A + B instead ?



Both have had a very very slow start that I cannot explain but happy that they are moving and not dying :)


Thank in advance !


I ll update you next week for further adventures ^^



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  On 24/04/2017 at 12:54 PM, AussieBogan said:

Auto's don't like being re potted. It can affect yield and over all growth.


So they should be planted into there final pots from the start, some say 3 gallon pots and others 5 gallon pots depending on genetics, I have a fast buds gorilla glue auto I want to try and they recommend I plant them into 11 to 13 gallon pots (40-50ltrs)


Good luck


I really wish people would stop saying this.  In soil it may well be true, highly likely in fact, as would be repotting with a change of medium.  But I have lost count of the number of auto's I have repotted up in coco/perlite, and even in hydroton, and if timed right and done carefully I have never seen anything but a boost in performance without any signs of stress or slowing down.  Started in 100mm pots, grow until they start to spread past the outside edges of the pot, then pot up into the final pot very gently, as a rough guide to timing.


The other side of the equation is starting a seedling off in a pot that's too big, and the difficulty in not bogging them down in that situation, along with being able to adjust the nute strength in the coco as the plant grows when it doesn't have a big enough root system and thirst to effectively drain the large pot in a timely fashion.  You end up having to perform some pretty precise and delicate juggling acts to get the plant to perform well in the first couple of weeks.  The risks outweigh any potential benefits IMO, unless you have a magic touch.


For the benefit of Carnage and Gazza, if you want to do it that way, feel free, everyone needs to grow the way that they feel works for them.  But it doesn't change what I said above.  I am not god's gift to auto growing, but I've grown a shitload of them over the last 4 years,and get consistently good results these days after a fairly shithouse start, so I must be doing something right. 


Anyone who wants a guide to auto growing from god's gift to autos, look up Buzzo's auto guide here on Oz Stoners and use that as a starting point rather than listening to me, or anyone else.  Then modify it to suit yourself and your growing situation/style.



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:bonghit:  I like your comment SPH.  Only every having grown 3 or 4 miserable failures of autoflower plants, I had the 'one pot rule' at the forefront.  I couldn't get em going fast enough... With 70/30 coco/perlite I tended to overwater in the 8.1 litre pot I started them in.  I was pondering starting them in a pot I'm more comfortable germinating in size-wise and transplanting but had the 'one pot' thingo stuck in there.You hit the point when you mentioned the precision and timing involved....I got enough high maintenance in my life atm lol


Peace and good gardening

Faith :sun:

Edited by Faith
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  On 24/04/2017 at 12:54 PM, AussieBogan said:

Auto's don't like being re potted. It can affect yield and over all growth.


So they should be planted into there final pots from the start, some say 3 gallon pots and others 5 gallon pots depending on genetics, I have a fast buds gorilla glue auto I want to try and they recommend I plant them into 11 to 13 gallon pots (40-50ltrs)


Good luck

Thats some good advice I was planning on seedling pots first but not anymore. Love this place wealth of knowledge!
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Love all the point of views !


thank you Sir PsychoHashy for your input there is a lot to learn ! The point you raised about the magic touch with the nuts was of my concerned.


For someone with no experience is it better to lose a little bit of growth / yeld but get it right with repotting OR risk the challenge of the magic touch and get it all wrong ... Only experience will answer I suppose ^^


I think I already have my answer about the nuts but 


Canna Terra for coco = completely useless  ??? 

ps : now the plants have started to kick again I realised that Dasy ( the funny looking one ) seems to be growing an extra third second set of true leaves ... ( will post a picture when they grow a bit more )


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  On 26/04/2017 at 1:23 AM, Sir PsychoHashy said:

I really wish people would stop saying this. In soil it may well be true, highly likely in fact, as would be repotting with a change of medium. But I have lost count of the number of auto's I have repotted up in coco/perlite, and even in hydroton, and if timed right and done carefully I have never seen anything but a boost in performance without any signs of stress or slowing down. Started in 100mm pots, grow until they start to spread past the outside edges of the pot, then pot up into the final pot very gently, as a rough guide to timing.


The other side of the equation is starting a seedling off in a pot that's too big, and the difficulty in not bogging them down in that situation, along with being able to adjust the nute strength in the coco as the plant grows when it doesn't have a big enough root system and thirst to effectively drain the large pot in a timely fashion. You end up having to perform some pretty precise and delicate juggling acts to get the plant to perform well in the first couple of weeks. The risks outweigh any potential benefits IMO, unless you have a magic touch.


For the benefit of Carnage and Gazza, if you want to do it that way, feel free, everyone needs to grow the way that they feel works for them. But it doesn't change what I said above. I am not god's gift to auto growing, but I've grown a shitload of them over the last 4 years,and get consistently good results these days after a fairly shithouse start, so I must be doing something right.


Anyone who wants a guide to auto growing from god's gift to autos, look up Buzzo's auto guide here on Oz Stoners and use that as a starting point rather than listening to me, or anyone else. Then modify it to suit yourself and your growing situation/style.



Thanks for you're input but I only advised him that coz that's what I got recommended by auto growers, have you heard of insta transplanting? Google if you haven't ... If u have, my bad! But that's is far as transplanting goes for me with autos,


Besides, for a total beginner (as he stated) I wouldn't recommend re potting! Auto's


For the benefit of carnage and Gaza? STFU!



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