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over fert with liquid potash ?

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I've given the ladies there 2nd hit of liquid potash this morning and only noticed discolouration this afternoon and only a

hand full of the largest leaves have it probably about 2% of total foliage, no discolouration near stem or bud other than

this I think she is looking healthy  ... any ideas ?


post-60235-0-32181700-1488175233_thumb.jpg post-60235-0-89342200-1488175251_thumb.jpg

full shot taken 2 weeks ago , leaf shot this afternoon


Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Growing Medium: soil
Watering/Feeding Frequency: water 3-4 days feed once a week 
Plants Age: 12 weeks


edit I have flush her out just in-case of over feed

Edited by budyoda
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