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Australians know their right wing from their wrong. I'd not like to see Howard with power though because he banned guns, maybe Costello.


So you think the banning of semiauto's and hand guns is a bad thing lmfao why ???



We dont follow america's The Right to bear Arms...


Think back to 96 and why the bann was introduced in the first place.


Port Arthur (a Tasmanian resort) tragedy on April 28, 1996, when a crazed assailant opened fire and shot 35 people. ing any bells ??



it wasnt until i think 02/03 hand guns were banned.


Why does someone living in a city need a semi automatic or hand gun for that matter.No wild pigs rabbits or roos in the city.


Im not a howard fan but i believe it waas the best clear thinking and leadership howard has ever shown.


besides you can still own and use a gun just go and get a sporting licence ffs.


Altho guns will always be available on the black market id rather see a mass reduction in the general public. I dont want gun killing statistics like the U.S thanks very much.


I dont want to driving down the road being involved in some road rage due to no fault of my own,and have some angry punk pull a gun on me.Maybe even use it.

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I don't own a gun, never have. I have fired a .22 and a few bb rifles when i was a kid. I wouldn't mind learning how to shoot properly, not for amusment or hunting but just in case America drags us into another world war with all their sabre rattling. We have been invaded once and if the whole world was in a new world war i wouldn't mind betting it would happen again.


Guns are complicated devices with many and varied types and i for one would like to know how they work before i had to use them. What would i do if i was in a war and my machine gun broke down, even if i had learned to shoot a bolt action that isn't going to help me.


That having been said, god forbid i ever get put in the situation of a world war.


Also, if i was a pig hunter i am pretty sure i would want a semi auto, the last thing i would want is an angry, wounded razorback charging me while i fiddled with a bolt action trying to reload or whatever it is that you are alowed to have.

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There is little justification for guns being available to anyone except primary producers IMO, and even then, I don't believe that semi-auto weapons are necessary.


What are you doing pissing of a razorback in the first place? lol


There are tranquilisers and let's face it, if you're that close to a razorback you're obviously either stupid, or too close.....


Guns suck. That's the only thing I agree with Johnny on. Other than that he's a total nutbar IMHO.

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Hey pickle


Sounds like you are suffering a case of Australian "Invasion Anxiety"


If i could correct you we have Never been invaded thank goodness, attacked yes but troops landing NO


If your refering to world war 2 ...yes darwin was attacked by planes killing a couple of hundred people.


In fact there were about 57 attacks up there.


There were also some air attacks on far north queensland, and western australian towns ,not forgetting a couple of mini subs in syd and wollongong.


That was a very long time ago tho.


If you really fear an invasion is going to happen, go join the army reserves .Not only will you learn to use all the weapon's you need for self preservation, you will be paid also.


Best we start building some nuclear war heads to stop the invaders hey




;) lol :P


Peace to you


We are all entitled to our opinions altho i believe yours are a little miss guided



Edited by tartass
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They wont take me in peace time, but if there was a war they would scoop me up quick (just like everyone else).


Yes guns are for killing, but having been in a few life or death situations, if i were put in a war i think i would rather be the one doing the killing. I am not a killer, i guess i'm a coward so if it's me or another guy, i'll pick me.


Yes i fear being invaded, i hate living under the rules the aussie gov puts on me, i can't imagine how much life would suck i things turned sour for Australia. If shit hit the fan, i think America would have it's hands full taking care of it's own country and people, we would be on our own (just like we always are).


You might think that's irrational, but ask a prisoner of war or a refugee what they think. When it all comes down to it, people are not very humanitarian at the best of times.


I don't even need to own a gun, but i think i would like the opportunity to learn about them (and not just a cursory once over, here's a loaded gun point it that way and "pull" the trigger). All i am saying is, i would like to be left to my own devices but if someone, somewhere decides that's not how it's going to be (Sadam said to tell you, "build me a railroad"... or else! [loose example but you get the idea]) then i would like to be able to do something about it.

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