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unfortunatly because of citezenship situation i couldnt vote. Jonny howard got back in but i feel that the people of australia havent got to know Mark latham well enough.


the main problem was simon creene , if mark latham had have been made leader of the labour party much earlier, everyone would have had a chance to get to know him, this was a tacticul error by the labour party. However, next election you can garuntee , mark latham or not, labour party will be in , because by then costello will be in and i wouldnt dare think what australia would be like with him as a leader. I am very dissapointed jonny howard wasnt voted out, but then again it gives him another 3 years to ruin this country more. Getiing in to bed with america was discraceful, we are loosing our identity , which i am very proud to be part of. Everyone knows australia now as followers, not the inovative , barbie loving beer drinking fun people we were before the non existent weapons of mass destruction reared their ugly heads.


It's no one persons fault, and i couldnt vote, so my opinion is lost , however i would hate to see the beutiful place that i live become a tool of the americans. They are trying to take the world, but there trying to make it look like if they dont we will all die, Is this not dictatorship??? forcing opinions by fear is winning and this world is going down the drain.


We now have the most conservative leadership we have had in 50 years. this means bad news for us , and youth in general. I feel the youth of australia had absouloutly no say in this election , there were no polices on youth , exept how to get young people in more trouble. Im very frustrated, but what am i gonna do!!



Edited by OpticalRush
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"You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message"


I used too many :D 's.


Liberals for another 3 years!!!! :P


The greens lost their only seat (Cunningham)!!! ;)


Let's just hope the greens win some senate seats!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and hope Family First don't win any senate seats!!!

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I don't know how things are going to turn out but the Greens have the third highest amount of votes nationaly and in every state and territory and their pecentages are up nationaly and in every state and territory.


Hopefully this wont be lost on the people who make decisions up top. i'm not holding my breath though.

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I'm gutted too...... How that weasel got back in beats me. What OpticalRush said makes sense to me. Simon Crean was a big mistake, and it lost Labor a lot of credibility at the time it was all going on. I think Latham needed a bit more time to get to know Australians.

I hope we don't get sucked into another Iraq situation between now and the whenever the Libs get voted out, because as you know, our lovely PM doesn't exactly take into account what the majority of us want. If he did, we would never have gotten involved with America in the invasion of Iraq.

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labour got defeated mainly because australians are afraid of change... the libs commercials saying that labour will totally fuck the budget etc, pretty much made ppl think why change if its working good as is? that and if johnny is re-elected u get $600.


IMO politicians cant be trusted to run this country...mainy because they are either "mis-informed, didn't know, was given the wrong information, etc, etc, etc" when they fuck up BUT when they do something good they try and make champagne rain from the heavens :D if they get in trouble for example, the children overboard thingy, johnny wasnt informed AND fought for weeks trying to convince the public he had no knowledge, etc..


Personally the best PM i could imagine is 1 that is honest with the public, will admit when they make a mistake and take the blame for it and for christ sake call bush or who ever is president of the usa at the time, to mind their own fucking business, leave other countries alone and work on stablising the ghetto known as the USA before u interfere with other countries affairs on the slight chance u can steal gold and oil....


IMO the worst kind of PM is 1 that doesnt listen to the public at large and does what he belives is correct...then again howard might have thought its better to be at the right hand of the devil instead of in its path :P


oh yeah i voted green for local and green for federal....fuck giving labour the power without support from the greens ;) i want weed free, not left in the same position if labour got power without the greens ;)

Edited by wantdachronic
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