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Bunnings for additives?

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I get everything from bunnos


This time of year forflowering im using purple powerfeed as a base the manutec liquid potash for flower size and phosphorous by the bag in granules soaked overnight to kick the girls in the arse and encourage more bud sites, i used this on day 1 of flower and intend to use it again in 7 days at the start of week 5 of flower.


I use coco from there as well as red powerfeed seasol magnesium chelate urea lime dolomite lime pots and the list goes on, bunnos has everything you need to grow monsters, except the genetics


love this post!


Are you able to elaborate your dosages and schedule?

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they might, but stock varies store to store and state to state

better idea is to read up on how many ppm's of/& which elements, plants uptake for optimal growth

smart guy ignored me one day, while i asked him questions....  then he gave me the best advice....


 he said to me after half hr, "Read a book" .


.......... Well from me to him now..... "Yo , I did. Thanks a real bunch."




P.S. look up 'uncle chron's super sauce' for now -search up top right of website

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Hey Guys and Girls


does anyone shop at Bunnings for additives for the full growth cycle if so can u name some products?


i would usually go rhizotonic, PK 13-14, silica, superthrive, montsta bud, but I'm looking for stuff i can pick up at Bunnings, i was looking the other day but couldn't work out shit from shit


i need the additives compatible with Canna Coco, Bunnings blue brickettes of coco, and Bunnings perlite




Why bunnings? Been down that road myself as plenty have as well and in the end you get what you pay for...

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Why bunnings? Been down that road myself as plenty have as well and in the end you get what you pay for...


Oz just trying to avoid going to hydro shops i haven't had the best of experience the last 2 years so i was looking for easier to obtain growing gear


one hydro shop there were two rough looking but well dressed middle to older aged guys raving and ranting about the Rebels probably thinking i was one of them? hoping to set me off.. they were talking to the dude at the counter than left once i walked out with my stuff i purchased they were no where to be seen i was seconds behind them


maybe i am just being paranoid


second time i was shopping at another shop i wont say which location and the sales guy asked me if i was ok, the following day the front door lock was picked and landlord entered premisses where i was growing but they didn't touch anything just called up to say they entered and to go pick up the new keys, they had seen the two tents but unsure if they unzipped them, donno if its related to the hydro shop but i was shitting my self

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