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How can i get rid of fungas gnats .

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that plant has more drams than gnats, need to know what medium your growing in plus feeding schedule and environmental conditions.

Ged'ay mate . To your question iv got a tent 80x80x160 with a 400 w hps with grow bulb in it atm . Runneren ph 5.8 ec 1.0/1.3 , room temp about 28/32 c . Useing grow right and bud right nutritions . Useing potting mix wich i know was stupid of me but . Alson using a power active formula . Still keep getting a yellowing spotty dry like leaves . Only about 3 weeks in veg stage


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I'm not sure about the spotty leaves but got a feeling your watering too often ,.... could be causing it ... how often do you water ?


Get whatever product you can to kill the gnats and get some Sticky Strips or those sticky fly strips ....hang them in the space ...and have some sticky bits down at the top of your medium where they like to hang out .


Won't take long and you'll be on top of it .

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most potting mixes have slow release pellets and a ph of 5.8 with bottled nutes can cause havoc, test your run off I bet its high, in any soil mix only quarter what the bottle says, should only use water and kelp in soil for veg, flower a bit different, gnats are a sign of over watering they hate dry conditions sort out your environment before the use of chemicals is preferred, the water your using is it from the tap, if so let it stand 24 hours before use, looks like too much water you need to know the weight of the pots when dry and only water when needed, cause you will find that on the hot days they don't use as much water as on a cool day, self preservation in plants I guess, good luck .

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Could be shitty potting mix ..... try going an extra two days without watering ..while they're still fairly small .


Watch for lower leaves starting to droop .probably will take longer than you think . Then water .shell. be right in an hour .


Droopy lower leaves are the sign of stress from under watering and easily corrected ,,,,no long term effect.


I'm not saying to allways allow it to go so long without a drink ,..but it gives one a good idea of how much and when to water


And those potting mixes take ages to dry out


Of course allow for watering times to change as the plant grows bigger and needs to consume more .


By the way ... if your a fan of rock wool , you might know it's a great medium to harbour fungal gnats .

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The water im using is distilled water . But i am also going to check the ph run off that sounds lile a plan . And yer ill try holding off the watering . So you's wreckon every 3 to 4 days pending on how it looks give them a water .


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But thanks for the tips guys . Sweet as .


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Time wise is hard to say ,the weight of the pot will tell you .if you have a spare pot fill it with same medium ,check how heavy it feels .then water it as you would the plant ,,,check the weight again ,


Then you'll have an idea of the dry weight vs wet weight


But lots of variables , like ambient temps .


And take into consideration that as the plant grows the pot will be heavier etc.


So it's a learning curve .... but they can go longer without a drink than we at first may think

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