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Green house advice

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hi guys, so I'm getting myself together for this season and I'm edging towards doing a green house grow also, with most green houses coming in green Leno covering, I was hoping some one might have some experience if it's okay for mj, does enough sun get through? And if not couldn't any one recommend what kind of covering would be best, obviously would rather it not be see through for stealth reasons

Cheers guys

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Cheers guys, I've picked up a pretty decent 3 meter green house on eBay was thinking about putting a small 1m tent in there and doing a grow under an 800w led in soil, as I have some berry bomb autos on the way, is there any advice you guys could give,ie heat this time of year (I'm in Perth) will I still need fans to bring in and out clean and dirty oxygen for the plants, sorry about the questions first time grower, predominantly growing for my partners medical use and want to try get something going go for her ASAP so don't want to wait,


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i use this stuff , will give you15% shade , you can see though it ,not completely a clear view though http://theshadecentre.com.au/product-category/horticultural-roll-products/hothouse-fabrics/ there also on ebay as well , same company last time i looked

i add a bit of there 30% shade cloth to really make it hard to see in


+ canna loves full sun & UV ,every layer = less , works fine though , been under mine for the 3 years i think , they can get hot & humid , if i could build mine again i would have some kind 

on opening at the top that still stopped rain cumming in but warm air could rise up & exit though that opening & if you leave a opening low on the sides the warm air will pull cooler fresh

outdoor air in though those openings as it heads up & out , depending on what's going on outside the greenhouse weather wise of cause 

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Does green shade cloth interfere with veg or bloom? Sounds like blue wavelengths are utilised in veg, so thinking it could slow down veg, but what about bloom where red wavelengths are more useful? I have a GH that hasn't been used for eons with some green shade cloth on it. Loathe to change anything and draw attention to it, but unsure if the shade cloth is a problem?
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Ye the green house I got has flaps on the side I might try and do something to let the sir out at the top, it's a 3 meter green house so I'm gona do a dig tent inside the green house and get my berry bombs going in there under an 800w led


i use this stuff , will give you15% shade , you can see though it ,not completely a clear view though http://theshadecentre.com.au/product-category/horticultural-roll-products/hothouse-fabrics/ there also on ebay as well , same company last time i looked

i add a bit of there 30% shade cloth to really make it hard to see in


+ canna loves full sun & UV ,every layer = less , works fine though , been under mine for the 3 years i think , they can get hot & humid , if i could build mine again i would have some kind

on opening at the top that still stopped rain cumming in but warm air could rise up & exit though that opening & if you leave a opening low on the sides the warm air will pull cooler fresh

outdoor air in though those openings as it heads up & out , depending on what's going on outside the greenhouse weather wise of cause

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Ye mate that's he whole deal with the tent don't want to waste some good seeds, rather do them under the lights


Dont get to keen to soon, 4 a outdoor grow, let the days get a bit longer,,,,, as 4 your auto:s in a tent with help sounds ok, interested 2 see how berry bomb goes


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