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please HELP

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quick update...those yellow sticky traps worked a treat..thanks everyone for the help..

now ive got another question...some of the buds on my plant are starting to go brown and crispy like they are dying!..the stem isnt broken or anything wrong like that, and its only on one stem!...i dont know whats going on...

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quick update...those yellow sticky traps worked a treat..thanks everyone for the help..

now ive got another question...some of the buds on my plant are starting to go brown and crispy like they are dying!..the stem isnt broken or anything wrong like that, and its only on one stem!...i dont know whats going on...

Cool for the fly traps.


With the bud that looks brown open it up and see if it has any rot inside it if so remove it and wash ya hands and then go over the rest of the plant to see if there is any more.


A pic would help...

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+1 Ozzy

A dry browned off bud is a sure sign something is going on within that bud. When the mould eats thru the stem's feed route nothing can get thru, the moisture is merely feeding the mould and not the bud. Personally I'd be getting a plastic bag covering the bud, then snipping the entire bud from the plant and removing it from your growspace prior to opening the bud up. I've had mould spread thru a crop, it's not what you want. Cover it up, then remove it, mould spores float. Once clear then open and inspect.

But I do agree with Ozzy on the hand wash after removing it. Minimise the spread of the spores. And check everything.



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Hi all...i have all these tiny little white flies or insects the size of a pin head all over my plant!!! can anyone tell me how to get rid of them with a spray or something?...thanks in advance...

yes . . here's the answer .


lift your fingers and type into a search engine . . . 

All the answers are there, and are quite simple, if you make the effort.


However, given that the insects are ALL OVER the plant , and this is your idea of fact finding and taking action . . . . 

maybe you should try growing some mould instead , 

Consistency and attention to detail is required for this pursuit,


Your going to have to put in a WHOLE lot more on this one, or dont bother.

If you had done some initial work reading upon Hydroponic cannabis growing,

and followed the basic requirements

this would not have happened.. . . simple as that

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yes . . here's the answer .


lift your fingers and type into a search engine . . . 

All the answers are there, and are quite simple, if you make the effort.


However, given that the insects are ALL OVER the plant , and this is your idea of fact finding and taking action . . . . 

maybe you should try growing some mould instead , 

Consistency and attention to detail is required for this pursuit,


Your going to have to put in a WHOLE lot more on this one, or dont bother.

If you had done some initial work reading upon Hydroponic cannabis growing,

and followed the basic requirements

this would not have happened.. . . simple as that

New member and you start off with attitude, nice way to start new a forum.


Let me take a guess puff tuff or who ever u are, will u just fuck off.

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yes . . here's the answer .


lift your fingers and type into a search engine . . .

All the answers are there, and are quite simple, if you make the effort.


However, given that the insects are ALL OVER the plant , and this is your idea of fact finding and taking action . . . .

maybe you should try growing some mould instead ,

Consistency and attention to detail is required for this pursuit,


Your going to have to put in a WHOLE lot more on this one, or dont bother.

If you had done some initial work reading upon Hydroponic cannabis growing,

and followed the basic requirements

this would not have happened.. . . simple as that

You're a dick. People don't act like that here. People are civil and thoughtful, not rude and offensive.
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how can anyone possibly expect any kind of result,

when they are trying to grow with no knowledge of whats required.

Now lets face it,the internet is thick with information to access.

and while that may have been blunt,

wouldnt you rather see that dude gp and learn to do it himself,

by gaining direct understanding 

instead of crying back here, every time theres a spot or something out of the ordinary.

I stand by what I said ,

if you cant be bothered to push a few keys and sit and read for an hour or 2 

in order to sort your smoke supply out,

then maybe you shouldnt bother?

because your almost bound to have no success, 

if you dont know where to aim,

and what to try and avoid.

Especially indoors


Sure , everyone wants to help,

but wouldnt you rather be talking to someone that has tried everything ,

has done some reading, has some pics and understands what your talking about, without having to explain every little thing,


Plus, I just think they're just using you and they're lazy.

Its disrespectful to expect you guys to give up knowledge (sometimes learned the hard way)

without having at least TRIED to find out what was wrong themselves and learning from the experience, as we all did..


Thats all I'm saying.


Ask yourself , just how dumb a question will I answer, before I draw the line and say , look dude, just go and read up on this for a bit.

and so they come to somewhere like this , as a font of knowledge , not a "growing for dummies" help line.



Having said all that , I apologise for my outburst earlier ,. . it wont happen again.

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yes, of course . . . 


on the other hand , i just tried this-

i typed 5 words into google.

"white flies on cannabis plants" . . 

lo and behold . . pages and pages of info.

correct info, as well . .

there's pages of guys here arguing whether Cannabis is legal or not in Victoria here . . ???


Now suppose I tried reading some of those google answers,

but didnt really understand how to apply  sticky baits, for example. . . 

well, then , i would ask someone that knows . . I would come here. (maybe)


But of course you are right

and I am being a touch cynincal,


the 2 of you were all over me for speaking my mind , i was not abusive, . . . blunt, yes ./ . but no more.

Both of you were all over me for what I said , but I couldnt help but notice one told me to fuck off

the other called me a prick.


SO its ok for you , but not ok for me , when I actually abused no one?

tough crowd . . . also double standards. . . 


Anyway thats great . . answer why green is green all day long for all i care.

If your happy being the instant answer for people that are too lazy to google, the go for it.

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