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HELP, have a house inspection coming and plant is not ready for harves

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Last place i lived 5 years the property manager never set foot in the back yard, just had the dobe running around offered to tie her up so they could check outside they never said yeah tie her up, just looked out the back.


Have the front yard and the house looking schmick and the backyard is a quick glance at best, unless ur look like a dodgy fucker.


Or............. Have a lingering sniff of the prop managers hair as they pass you male or female and tell them they smell nice, inpection doen in less than 2 mins :)

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We have the owners of our house doing an inspection in 3 and a half weeks and it doesn't look like our harvest will be ready by then.


So the backstory... we are in Melbourne and we have planted either a lemon haze or mango haze seed (got them mixed up and dont know which one it is) and it is our first time growing. Basically just stuck the seed straight into the garden patch and the plant is about 190cm tall and flowering. Where the buds will be we have lots of white hairs.


It is flowering and the white hairs have started to change color, from white hairs to being white with brown tips.

I read that either of those strains usually have a long flowering period.


So the inspection is 3 weeks away and I have a few questions...

Is there any way to speed up the flowering process so we can harvest sooner?

What happens if we harvest early? Will this ruin the bud?

Is it possible to move the plant? This will require digging up the roots from the garden patch.

In 3 weeks, if we trim all the leaves off the plant (so it will look a lot less obvious) will it keep flowering? Or will this ruin the final product?



We are trying to get the inspection pushed back, but I dont think they are budging. Does anyone have any ideas? It will be such a shame that it is a matter of a couple of weeks. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

How did it all go?


did they lock you up and throw away the key?

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