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HELP, have a house inspection coming and plant is not ready for harves

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lol, over one plant ...... any way to keep it in your car boot for 30mins until the inspection is over, be a little creative ...... Empty large rubbish bin, the big green rubbish bins.... they stink and kept at the side of the house behind a locked gate.... the realestate would have to be very thorough .... anyway if you cant come up with a solution weigh up the risks and the benefits of keeping it. If you cant find a solution and still cant come to a conclusion ffs maybe growing isnt for you ... bin it.


it is one plant, youre not running a warehouse grow op for the tri ads...




Carnage, youre still gurgling ..... right ? youre a well trained bitch i know you are lol

Edited by _Puff_Tough_
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The Government introduced the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015 into the Victorian Parliament on 8 December 2015. If passed the new law will to enable patients in exceptional circumstances to access legal medicinal cannabis products. Legislation will be debated in Parliament in early 2016 and, if it is passed, the first group of patients will be able to access medicinal cannabis products from 2017. The Bill implements the recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Medicinal Cannabis Report, tabled in Parliament on 6 October 2015.





Heres the the info Hashy see exactly what he said..............oh...no..........its not what that dude was a saying, so the key word here is really IF yes IF and where i come from IF ur aunty had balls she would be ur uncle.

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The Government introduced the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015 into the Victorian Parliament on 8 December 2015. If passed the new law will to enable patients in exceptional circumstances to access legal medicinal cannabis products. Legislation will be debated in Parliament in early 2016 and, if it is passed, the first group of patients will be able to access medicinal cannabis products from 2017. The Bill implements the recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Medicinal Cannabis Report, tabled in Parliament on 6 October 2015.





Heres the the info Hashy see exactly what he said..............oh...no..........its not what that dude was a saying, so the key word here is really IF yes IF and where i come from IF ur aunty had balls she would be ur uncle.


Bigger issue isn't even the "IF", but the "access legal medicinal cannabis products", particularly the word "products".  Then you have to put that into the framework of the Federal legislation as well, when the bill is passed, which it likely will but hasn't been yet.  But both passed and still pending pieces of legislation make it crystal clear that nobody will be getting access to raw cannabis, and absolutely nobody will be allowed to grow their own medicinal plants.


But maybe he's aware of some piece of legislation that has been passed that none of us have heard of, so we need to hold back on criticism until we've given him the opportunity to post a link to this legislation, at which point I will apologise profusely and be glad I didn't bet my left nut that he was wrong lol

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Without that sweet government issued license to legally cultivate cannabis you will remain criminal if you dare plant a seed let alone have a 1.8m plant in your backyard.  It might only be a single plant but there isn't a real estate agent around who would risk their job or client's investment to turn a blind eye to you illegally cultivating drugs on the property.


As for the camo idea it's fucking stupid.  Cannabis is the most well known plant in the world and it's scent is distinctive regardless of the strain being grown.  It doesn't matter if you've got the pineappliest c99 pheno in existence, it smells like pineapples and cannabis and even if you sandwiched it between bamboo and japanese maple tree it's leaves will still be very distinct and stick out to anyone but the blindest of people who with their increased sensitivity to their other sense will smell you out anyway.


If you want to be sure the only way to be 100% is to remove it from the property.  Anything less is a risk to your freedom and anyone telling you different is just plain wrong.  They will do their job and while laziness or some other factor could result in them not checking the entire property out I wouldn't bank on chances and wouldn't recommend you do the same either.



Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction...



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I was thinking about wrapping mine in glad wrap and lying them down.

I once put my plants in some massive bin bags and stashed them all around the property thinking it would be enough to hide the smell and it was for the most part but I found out that plants breathe out a lot of water and without fresh air to dry them out turn to mush very quickly.  I definitely wouldn't recommend mummifying them in cling wrap on that basis alone.


Has anyone said to stick a compost bin over it?

It's a 1.8m tall plant so no lol

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