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HELP, have a house inspection coming and plant is not ready for harves

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Your in Melb, so if your real estate agent works at Barry Plant Epping, Im gonna guess they won't mind and might hit you up for commission.... :greedy:  :greedy:


that's the sorta weird shit I'm talking about.


grow your medicine safely and keep it to yourself. not asking you to go overboard.

kind of had these conversations with police here this year before and after medicinal was made legal here.

kind of want you guys to fuck off away from it.


you guys seem like the type to literally call up and harass the fuck out of people over it,

that's the type of shit that gets people busted.


Just keep it to yourself and stop acting like tards about it.

Some of you guys seem upset it's going to be legal , normal reaction after all this time.


Do you guys go calling the cops about your home brew beer and home made spirit's? that'd be dumb too.

Do you call the cops and ask if you can brew up some spirits in your backyard or brew some beers ?

I fucking don't.




to all the haters , fuck off tard's ....


to the growers, we are in the clear you can chill


**no offence meant to people on psych pills that have anxiety over this topic, I don't mean to call you tard's, just the tard's are tard's.




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Without that sweet government issued license to legally cultivate cannabis you will remain criminal if you dare plant a seed let alone have a 1.8m plant in your backyard.  It might only be a single plant but there isn't a real estate agent around who would risk their job or client's investment to turn a blind eye to you illegally cultivating drugs on the property.


As for the camo idea it's fucking stupid.  Cannabis is the most well known plant in the world and it's scent is distinctive regardless of the strain being grown.  It doesn't matter if you've got the pineappliest c99 pheno in existence, it smells like pineapples and cannabis and even if you sandwiched it between bamboo and japanese maple tree it's leaves will still be very distinct and stick out to anyone but the blindest of people who with their increased sensitivity to their other sense will smell you out anyway.


If you want to be sure the only way to be 100% is to remove it from the property.  Anything less is a risk to your freedom and anyone telling you different is just plain wrong.  They will do their job and while laziness or some other factor could result in them not checking the entire property out I wouldn't bank on chances and wouldn't recommend you do the same either.

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that's the sorta weird shit I'm talking about.


grow your medicine safely and keep it to yourself. not asking you to go overboard.

kind of had these conversations with police here this year before and after medicinal was made legal here.

kind of want you guys to fuck off away from it.


you guys seem like the type to literally call up and harass the fuck out of people over it,

that's the type of shit that gets people busted.


Just keep it to yourself and stop acting like tards about it.

Some of you guys seem upset it's going to be legal , normal reaction after all this time.


Do you guys go calling the cops about your home brew beer and home made spirit's? that'd be dumb too.

Do you call the cops and ask if you can brew up some spirits in your backyard or brew some beers ?

I fucking don't.




to all the haters , fuck off tard's ....


to the growers, we are in the clear you can chill


**no offence meant to people on psych pills that have anxiety over this topic, I don't mean to call you tard's, just the tard's are tard's.




Huh ?

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Without that sweet government issued license to legally cultivate cannabis you will remain criminal if you dare plant a seed let alone have a 1.8m plant in your backyard.  It might only be a single plant but there isn't a real estate agent around who would risk their job or client's investment to turn a blind eye to you illegally cultivating drugs on the property.


As for the camo idea it's fucking stupid.  Cannabis is the most well known plant in the world and it's scent is distinctive regardless of the strain being grown.  It doesn't matter if you've got the pineappliest c99 pheno in existence, it smells like pineapples and cannabis and even if you sandwiched it between bamboo and japanese maple tree it's leaves will still be very distinct and stick out to anyone but the blindest of people who with their increased sensitivity to their other sense will smell you out anyway.


If you want to be sure the only way to be 100% is to remove it from the property.  Anything less is a risk to your freedom and anyone telling you different is just plain wrong.  They will do their job and while laziness or some other factor could result in them not checking the entire property out I wouldn't bank on chances and wouldn't recommend you do the same either.


You sound like the biggest doosh in melbourne.


5 million people arent getting arrested for it anymoar and you want us to tear our plants down .... time to fuck off.

Real estate agents wont risk getting beat up over cannabis.


c'mon guys you can't even win this argument

time to stop and let people grow here

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you guys can go and get scared about growing medicine in melbourne all you want


yea it is legal for medicinal ,


if you say it isnt , you're a wierdo or something.


so..... not my problem






listen to these doosh-bags if you want to not have your own buds

Mate, I suggest you check your facts. No, it IS NOT legal in Victoria. Please provide a link to substantiate the claim. Oh, you can't? Here's one for you:




"The Government introduced the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015 into the Victorian Parliament on 8 December 2015. If passed the new law will to enable patients in exceptional circumstances to access legal medicinal cannabis products. Legislation will be debated in Parliament in early 2016 and, if it is passed, the first group of patients will be able to access medicinal cannabis products from 2017. The Bill implements the recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Medicinal Cannabis Report, tabled in Parliament on 6 October 2015."


It hasn't happened yet, so probably a good idea to stop spreading untruths that could land someone in prison.

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to all the haters , fuck off tard's ....


to the growers, we are in the clear you can chill


**no offence meant to people on psych pills that have anxiety over this topic, I don't mean to call you tard's, just the tard's are tard's.



Let's see who the "tard" is when you find yourself trying to tell the cops that you're a "legal medicinal user" in Victoria. SMH

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yea it is legal for medicinal ,


If you can provide a link to the new legislation that states it is legal to possess raw cannabis for med use, let alone grow a plant, in Vic, then not only will I rejoice, I'll be moving down there tomorrow.


In the meantime, it's illegal still, and likely to remain the case for a very long time for anyone not meeting the requirements to gain a licence, which will only be for commercial growing to be sold to a very small number of commercial entities.  In other words, until a politician grows a set of balls nobody will be legally allowed to grow their own for medicinal use. 


So why the fuck would you tell people otherwise?  Tell yourself to your hearts content, and get out there and do it loud and proud, I hope you get away with it.  Yes, some coppers are now turning a blind eye to a lot of personal and medicinal usage, but it's not all coppers, and it's not because of any official policy in law enforcement.  And that attitude will vary greatly from one area to the next, where I live they still have their knickers in a massive fucking twist over it, and look to small canna busts as their bread and butter.  So unless you can back your patently ridiculous claims with evidence, pull your fucking head in before someone believes you and has their life fucked up as a result.  If the OP's real estate agent spots the plant, he's homeless with a bad mark on his rental record making it hard to find another rental, and a potential crim record which could cost him his employment etc, you have no right to fuck with people's lives like that.


I joke about being paranoid a lot, but I'm not really, but I am extremely cautious about my growing activities with very good reason as law enforcement, and the courts, where I live are stuck in 1950's reefer madness, so after being busted once I'm looking at some serious, but undeserved, shit.  But I still grow without hesitation or shame, but sensibly rather than following your twisted mindset.  If I was the OP, I would either have the plant into an enclosed space ventilated through a carbon filter, or off the property. 


There's a big difference between being proud about what you do, and being ignorantly stupid.


Of course, if you again refuse to back up your claim with evidence, I'll just assume you are the troll I suspect you are and ignore you from now on.

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