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HELP, have a house inspection coming and plant is not ready for harves

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Id probably get some other plants to cover it, and then add a shit load of Blood & Bone to the garden beds, stinks like anything and you dont want to be around in the backyard very long as the smell is gross. Our neighbours did it and my kids refused to go to the backyard and my littlest threw up the smell was so bad.

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carnage you fucking special c*nt, what absurd advice. Suck a fat cock . Nearly as absurd as covering it by placing larger potted plants around it ! You might have to pull her out....... better to be safe than .... in court over 1 pissy plant.




while i agree that carnage's advice is ridiculous, not sure how sucking a fat cock would help? But whatever floats your boat PT.. :)

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Of course I am going to wait to see where we are in the last couple of days before I do anything drastic. I just posted to see if there was something I could do from now.

We are going to make the backyard look perfect and house and try not give him too much of a reason to go too far outside. I honestly think the agent wont even bother checking much outside, but I want to be sure.


Ill see where we are at a few days before and if need be maybe wrap up the plant with a net for the day to keep nice and tidy and then cover it with some big potted plants or cut a tree in the backyard and move it in front.

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Camo is easy, smell will be your biggest problem.  We've never had the agents do anymore than have a squiz at the backyard from the back verandah to make sure it hasn't been trashed, so it's unlikely yours will do any different unless they notice something they should be concerned about, it's no guarantee though, just imaging for example they are a gardening freak and spot a plant they haven't seen before that they like the look of. 


Make a smell plan to be on the safe side.

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if you have dogs tell them they might get cranky if someone goes out there..if not get a dog off a mate..it works everytime for me..they poke there heads out the back door and thats it...all depends on the person doing the inspection though...good luck with it...

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