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Young clone flowering outdoors already

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Umm, clear some of the grass away... overgrown lawn grasses are a haven for spider mites.


Apart from that... just keep doing what you are doing it should eventually reveg... if you can add a solar spot light to it, it will reveg faster, but I can understand if you don't want a spot light on your backyard weed at night.


If it is close enough to the house, maybe leave the porch light on?


I have a few small plants outside doing much the same thing, but I am confident that they will revert to veg in the coming weeks so I am not doing anything special to push them along.

Cool tip I'll clear the grass up.. Yeh I'll keep plodding along! No good on light source too close to houses thanks Louise I'm glad your confident hehe
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I regularly put the stumps of my winter/spring indoor grow out into natural light to revegetate over the late spring/early summer.


I have had a couple of things that didn't revert with the natural photoperiod, Sensi's Hash Plant for one, and a Kush cross that failed (but it was going through it's 3rd time being cropped and revegetated). Apart from that satva doms, skunks and other indica doms... no worries they have all returned to vegetative growth.


Since losing the Hash Plant, I do keep an eye on them to make sure they are actually revegging. If they start showing signs of senescence (dying off at the end of flowering), then I will move them to a 24 hr lighting regime.

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If I am planning on revegging from the start, I will leave some growth, low down, on the main stem. When I harvest the plant, I let it dry off a bit more than I usually would... it doesn't really matter if I burn off root hairs, because I am about to chop up the root ball anyway. Then, I will cut the main stem a cm or 2 above this low growth and apply steri-prune paint to the cut surface of the stump. If the medium is wet when you cut the plant the stump will bleed profusely, making it hard to seal and prone to infection.


After that, I cut the root ball down by about 2/3's and replant into a smaller pot. The pot should be just big enough to take the cut down root ball with a little new medium tucked around it... bigger pots are more likely to lead to overly wet conditions and cause excessive fluid bleeding from the stump, this can even break the seal made by the steri-prune paint and often leads to rotting.


Finally, I find them a nice, sheltered, spot on the sunny side of the shade house and water with a combination of rooting hormones and a seaweed and molasses mixture. When they dry off, they go onto a combination of the above and a little canna coco A+B.


The new growth springs primarily from the calyxes, so a couple of buds left on the trunk will develop a couple of little forests of shoots. I generally prune a little bit at a time as the plant grows, letting the plant rest between prunings and never cutting away more than 20% of the foliage at any one pruning.


If I allow the plant to fully revert to vegetative growth and prune away the excess growth, the buds are the same from one flowering to the next, but if I just give the plant long enough to put on a ft of growth, and then put the bushy little plant back into flower, I usually get smaller, fluffier buds and a lot of tangled growth.


The biggest difference I have seen is the revegged plant will have more tendency to branching than it did the first time around.


For clones that pop into flower in spring... sometimes I prune them back, sometimes I take cuttings, sometimes I just let them go... all depends on how far into flower they get before reverting to vegetative growth.

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