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Hey guys & galz,


I finally gathered some green to get me well on my way but im still lost in the process, im planning to use a BUBBLER ( would it be possible to design a recirculating bubbler ? ) In straight clayballs ?


I purchased a truncheon,400watt HPS with large batwing reflector, clayballs and BUDRITE A & B veg nutes but i dont know what to do soo im hopin you guys and gals can help me out. :wub:


i still need to purchase a pH tester, ventilation, air pump & flowering nutes ( anything i left out ? ) what do you guys adjust your pH levels with ??


i still dont understand the Electronice conductivity, Parts per million and all that stuff on the TRUNCHEON ... what does the truncheon do ?


and how many litres would my fan have to pump out if i have a growbox 1metre square by 2metres high ?


with the air pump what is the minimum amount of air i should be pumping into a 20litre bucket ??


thanks for your help ... im growing for myself and a close friend ... iv been trying to convince him to stop buyin drugs ( he uses speed coz he cant get the same feeling off mj ) well he's finally stoped using speed and im trying to keep it that way. Since marijuana is illegal im going to be keepin only one plant at a time ( maximum five including clones )


im hopin you guys & gals can point me in the right way.


iv gained alot of info off this site but theres some questions that have still not been answered in my mind and i would appreciate all the answers i can get.



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I don't use bubblers as I find them to be too noisy but I can answer some of the other questions.

PH - the best tester I've seen is the Hanna ph pen about 100 bucks. You use phosphoric acid to lower ph and potassium hydroxide to raise it - both are sold by hydro shops in a brand called megabloom and are simply marked ph up and ph down.

If you're using A + B types chem ferts you will probably be using the ph down most of the time.

The truncheon simply lights up when you put it in the resevoir to test the nutes. The red light that matches the nute strength flashes. The readings are just different scales as some people speak in EC and some PPM - a bit like kilometres or miles per hour. I think from memory chem ferts run around EC 2.4 but note in a bubbler they are usually run at a weker strength than the menufacturer reccommends. Maybe someone who grows in bubblers can advise....

Ventilation - In a box your size I've run 2 sunon 4 inch fans - one intake one exaust (45 bucks each) - and it was fine with a 400.

But it was painted flat white - no mylar. That stuff turns it into a solar oven.



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First tip, Make sure the heater lays on the bottom of the buckets, otherwise as the water is used it may start to be out of the water, This in turn will cause the heater glass to shatter and this can cause major problems.

Also make sure the heater is the smallest one you can buy, so it fits properly and doesnt take up much room.


On your airline, make sure that you either have the pump above the waterline, or fit no return valves. and airstones. I brought wooden airstones for my bubblers because they make the air bubbles smaller. and I read that the smaller the bubble the more oxygen it puts in the water.

I also found out that a Powerhead moving the surface of the water, will put more oxygen in the water than an airstone.


Ph tester well I reakon THE best ph tester is the liquid tester by Flairform,

dont buy the Canna one as they suck(too hard to read them).

If you do buy elect ph tester then DONT buy a cheap one.

You would do well to buy the Electric Ph tester made by the same people who make the truncheon.


umm yea, buy Ph down and dont bother with PH up as usually adding tap water which is around 7.3 will lift it up enough.


I tried a couple of bubblers and I didnt like them at all, slow to growth, plant was not green enough for my liking etc. They became fishing buckets :wub:.

For a beginner I reakon you cant go past a flood and drain using stacker boxes.


Budrite is a GOOD nute, just becareful with it as its a bit stronger than things like Dutch master etc.


Hydro nutrients are made out of Mineral salts.

The truncheon measures the amounts of salts in the water, that way you know what strengths the plants have.

If you mix to the instructions it will be too strong especially in a bubbler.

Off the top of my head, and make sure im right before you do this but Your nutes should be kept under 1000ppm.


White Cluster has written one of the best FAQ on bubblers and Im sure this will tell you anything and everthing you need to know.

go to www.assc.tk and then scroll down to the FAQ area and ASSC > FAQ > Bubblers... And How To Work Em!

Edited by Ferengi420
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hey matey,


first thing first, 1m2 grow room, with 1 20ltr bucket.....


wont work, if you wanna fill space with 1 plant give it at least double the room in the 20 ltr bucket... I usualy go for 4 x 20ltr buckets under a 400w and them buckets get nice and solid with rootmass... so give your 1 plant if ya just growing 1 a nice 50ltr tub.... more plants is less veg time but if ya add a few more..


pH tester i never used nuthin but the liquid kinds... aquarium industry been usin em for years cos of fact electronic ones just cant be trusted... just get the ph testing kit that comes with ya pH up and down and costs 20 bucks imo.... never runs outta batts or needs calibrating...


go with the lil sunon fans like wassily says for fans....


venturi powerhead vs airstone.... crock of shit imo.... aquariums would be aerated that way if it was better than airstones.... seen a few grows comparable with airstone grows using powerhead.. but most newbs trying it end up with sad crops, and the initial cost of buying big enuf venturi's for each unit will be way way more...if airpumps werent the best most effiecient way to aerate water, noone in hydro or aquarium would bother with them....


anyhoo, about 4000cc per 20ltr is good min range... the more air the better though, i reccomend getting a big fuckin $100> airpump straight away, I got 6 seperate smaller ones and together they hum like a muthafucka... best airstones are aircurtains (long black tube type airstones, come in diff lengths), they fuckin kick arse...


as for recirculating bubblers, yeah they work, but a huge problem is roots getting into the drain line and causing a block in the bubbler that makes your bubbler overflow and waste nutes everywhere... even set to a timer it happens, last time i did it, I would just turn pump on manual to do it too make sure no spillage going on.. figured a way to blow all the roots outta the blockages by connecting tubing to the drain ends inside control bucket and blowing as hard as you can through em.. but in the end it wasnt worth it.... It is the best way to heat your bubbler crop.. cos you can just sit one heater in the control and let the other buckets get heated by the one.... but unless you live in super extreme cold area like me, you should never need a heater anyways.... hot bubblers are an absolute cunt.. extreme internode stretch, and algae.. if you are heating set your heater on 20-21, cos if it stays at 24 at lightrs off, its got nowhere to go but up.... if ya need sum pics of how to dog up a recirc bubbler setup just tell us, i got a few laying around, and could take more to show ya....


I dont know me truncheons too well, i got one , but rarely use it, I know me nutes for bubblers already so the truncheon just confuses, but when i get em mixed for full bloom they are about 1200ppm, and i start me clones at like 500-600ppm.... that might help seeing ya got a truncheon...

But if ya dont, go like this... get a raised res (on float to control) that is half the size of your total system (bubblers and control), for v. early growin, fill system with 1/3rd strength nutes, and once full, fill the raised res with 3rd strength nutes, as the raised res becomes empty fill with plain water, when the plain water is almost gone its time to change, later on when they llokin a bit hungrier, fill the raised res with 1/2 strength nutes after fillin system with third strength, as raised res empties always top with plain water though.... and once ya gone thru 2 raised res contents always change entire (or 2/3rds at least) of your nutes... always be lookin at them plants though, learn whats too green, and whats not green enuf, if you ever get burns its way way too high, they suffer and twist and shit with too much nutes....


for doing 1 plant under 1 light, take a look at oldmanmozzs grows if ya can, he is the fuckin king of the one plant / one light....


take care

white cluster

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thanks for all your help guys ... i went to bunnings today and got some 20litre buckets (cost me $9 dollas each) fairly expensive. Does it really matter about the depth in a bubbler ?? i created another bubbler afew week back but its not soo deep in the container (55 litre) its just one of those storage containers i got from GO-LO. Got a 19cm netpot a while back but never started growin so its been lying around. I was thinking of buying a liquid pH tester (depending on how much pH up & down cost)


Could someone please post up a picture of those SUNON fans ? Ohh ... i was thinking of mounting two fans (both suckin air out) close to the light as possible since thats whats makin the heat & mount two fans on the bottom of my growbox suckin air in (any suggestions ?) would this create any humidity problems ??


what kind of timer should i buy (any advice on what to avoid ?) would a normal timer from bunnings work ?


thanks everyone.

Edited by FUKN_BISH
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I was thinking of buying a liquid pH tester (depending on how much pH up & down cost)


dont bother with Ph up, and the ph down will be around $6-00, the flairform liquid tester is around $11-00.


With timers you really need one that is M40 motor rated at least.



Sunon fan-


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really Chev, wow. What does your water start at?


Ok well around HERE we dont use it :wub:,

Im in the gold coast Brisbane area. Our tap water is around 7.0 which most tap water should be.

If you run straight water then you ph is way to high and needs to be brought down.


I have a bottle of ph up that I have had for around 2 years, and its never been opened.

Im spinning to what could cause the ph to need to be raised over 7.0ph?? is it the additives or the nutes you use??

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thanks for the picture ... today im gonna go lookin for ventilation, pH tester, pH up and down (just incase), timers & electrical tempreature gauges.


My friend gave me a liquid pH tester but it only measures 6.0 - 7.6 (he bought it from the fish store) i measured the tap water and it measured out to about 7.6 and then i measured some water that was previously boiled the night before and cooled over night and it measured around 6.2 ( the lightest colour on the chart)


Im planning on purchasing one of those surge protector adaptor boards ... any suggestions ?

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