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yeah even if I strip it all out it measures 1250mm x 450mm x 1300mm

which gives me


 Maximum Lighting 60 watts Per Square Foot

The maximum reccomended lighting for your area is 366 watts
Going this way you will require a fan with a flow rating of at least 28.0 Cubic Feet per Minute
Power Requirements 
This setup will require 2.0 amps to be available at all times for safest operation*
Additional Comments 
Getting to these points and or over it is highly reccomended the grower use Co2 in their room as your plants will only be able to photosynthesise a certain amount of light before needing a Co2 boost to benifit


366 <> 400 I could get away with that .. but yeah have to get a cool tube then for sure :/ sigh ... more money that I don't have.



I'll figure out something.


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OK, so you don't have a cooltube

Set your airflow up right and you can get away without it. Agreed it ain't optimal but lets face it, you want to get started. 'Start and learn' I say. Learn your system, learn what works (and doesn't). I found it better to start small then expand, learning the whole way, than go spend the big$$$ on what you need, or go big, cock it up and blow you dough. I know a few in that boat. Luckily for me, a couple have donated me their equipment. lol Some of which I've donated on to others.

So get started with what you have. Veg is pretty forgiving any way, but you're going to NEED some good air flow.



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You could just grab a cheap 1x1x2m tent off ebay, you can get them for about $90 I think.  I know it's more money, but by the time you spend a couple of dollars at Bunnings on setting up the cupboard properly, the difference compared to the time and effort sort of makes it worthwhile, with the added bonus of being able to pull it down and store it easier when not in use.  Also get the extra height, and holes for cords and duct built in.   I know they are also more obvious than a wardrobe from a distance, but fan noises and light leaks are all it takes to make a wardrobe obvious, and it takes a lot to completely cover those things up. 


Also allows you to set the cupboard up with a CFL for clones and seedlings etc.

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When it's talking about too much light for the size I think it is talking about lumens per square foot relating to how much the plant photosyntheses based on the CO2 in the air, too many lumens with not enough air exchange/supplemental CO2 and you end up burning your plants regardless of temps. If you can control temps without downgrading the light and can provide enough CO2 to the plant doesn't overload on lumens then i'd say go for it.

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