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Yates DroughtShield and easiest ever cloning method

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After several unsuccessful cloning attempts - in rockwool, in aeroponic cloner, in a glass of water - I came across this really easy method and decided to give it a try.  Since then I've had 100% success rate in 2 separate attempts with very little effort.  I would post a link to the page but unfortunately can't remember where I read about it!!



Fill container [i used clear disposable cups] with coco and saturate thoroughly.


Poke a hole in the coco.  Prepare your cutting - no need to trim or cut leaves to reduce leaf area - and stick it into the hole and press the coco back firmly.


Spray with DroughtShield and put in a light place with no direct sun and in 10 - 11 days they'll be ready. 


No humidity dome, I barely even gave them any extra water in the first 10 days.  They never drooped or went backwards.




I put my cuttings near the window in a bright, east facing room and just made sure I turned the bedroom light on every night to stop them going into flower.


I guess I've also been helped by the time of year since it's been pretty warm.



Anyway, just thought I'd share for any other people out there who've struggled with cloning.  My Mum would cry if she knew how much trouble I've had cloning - she always roots everything easily in a glass of water on the kitchen windowsill!




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Looks like you have discovered the not so secret secret of cloning into straight coco, all these people using those crappy little rockwool cubes... pffft. I use square 500ml pots with coco saturated with straight my crappy tap water. Don't worry about ph when cloning it makes no difference. Cut, dip in clonex, straight in the coco, into an opaque storage crate with a lid mist everything thouroughly, put the lid on and put the crate in small cupboard with a 20w cfl. I then mist once every day, in the first few days they sometimes wilt, sometimes not, the wilted ones always perk up eventually! I think it helps to have a really well watered mother plant to take clones off.


Without fail by the 7th day they will have perked up so I crack the lid and start to reduce the humidity. By the 9th or 10th day most will have roots poking out the bottom of the pots and I have removed the lid. I get 100% success. The good thing is they will happily grow and develop a tight little rootball for up to another month in the little pots until you are ready to transplant. Another thing you picked up Ange is warmth - minimum 25c at the shelf where your clones are! In the winter I use a heat mat otherwise things will slow down to nearly a halt, I've had clones take nearly a month in winter without a heat mat and by that time the health of the plants will suffer.

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I've found taking cuttings vary very little, main things you need is soft light, and humidity. If you want to get technical, cuttings should be grown slightly sub par on the mother plant, to ensure higher carbohydrate storage within the stem, this will lead to much quicker striking cuttings.



Hey Frank, for a change I'm not stoned [too early!] but I can't say I understood the above. 


Can you please explain further "grown slightly sub par on the mother plant"?



Edited by crowsange
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If you've got some time have a look at Kevin Jodrey on propagation



interesting point / info about fem seeds as well

have you ever noticed popping when smoking bud grown from fem seeds 





Great link itchy. 


This is getting a bit off-topic, but I haven't come across the microscopic seed in bud grown from fem seed theory previously and am curious as to whether potency is really affected.


Since I've been smoking my own weed I do occasionally hear seed-like pops that get me madly tearing apart buds to see if my girls have been inadvertently pollinated.  I've never correlated it to the buds grown from fem'd seed though - it just doesn't happen often enough, and I'm not observant enough.


Coincidentally or not, it would seem my most potent weed this season came from a regular plant [i had 2 regs and 4 fems of my main plants].



Kevin Jodrey clearly has lots of experience to share.  Fascinating that 'genetic drift' of mothers isn't actually inevitable and can be prevented. 

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Hey crowsange

I've never grown the types of fems he's talking about but i do have a bag of them & some will get a run this year

I have noticed popping before but had no idea of the strain / origin / grower of the bud smoked 


But i do believe in the degradation of the bud though seeding , & the herm trait is present in that sort of fem'ing

i guess if it's only microscopic then the degradation might only be slight but either way the plant dose not get to

it's genetic potential, possibly


I'm right into the "biology in the bottom" as he put it & letting the plant take care of itself


& as far as the genetic drift thing he talks about ,

i think we all noticed a strain look completely different outside to in , can't beat good ol MN

& great tip if you keep mothers , pop one outdoors each season for revitalization  


I've seen other vids with him & he regularly cuts a massive amount at one time in his bizz, so you'd have to figure

he's got it down pat now after 35 years of growing


Those pops you mention , do you use tobacco cos that can be the cause of popping as well at times 

Edited by itchybromusic
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Those pops you mention , do you use tobacco cos that can be the cause of popping as well at times 


Itchy, I may live in Vic now but I moved here from Adelaide 15 years ago and never, never mix tobacco with my weed!


I've downloaded the link to watch again, because it seemed like there was way more than just cloning that could be learned from what he had to say.


Cheers again for the link.




I really liked what Jodrey had to say and will have to watch it again

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