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Help with Sexing Male of Female?

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I hear you RickShawRyder....I shall be following up on this one and will let you know how I go I just found and checked the small plastic bag the seed came in and the sticker claims it is a feminized seed. I have scribbled over the label but its still readable. A Diesel that won't auto and a Male Durban from a feminized seed! Up until now I have been fairly unfazed by the whole non-auto thing but throw in this latest one and I am starting to have my cage rattled.

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Ok I thought I had this all sussed out and I come out tonight to inspect the troops and I see this On my Early Durban feminized


Is it male?


attachicon.gif2015-01-30 002 2015-01-30 002.JPG attachicon.gif2015-01-30 002 2015-01-30 003.JPG or maybe its just the way these Durbans grow?? Grasping at straws? I have this sinking feeling.....


So is this one female?


attachicon.gif2015-01-30 002 2015-01-30 002.JPG


This is from the Non-Performing Diesel Auto

It looks like it could be a hermi to me. see the little white hair at the top right. Hermies can be good smoke, but the seeds can be annoying, plus you need to keep it a very long distance from your other plants, as pollen can travel a very long distance, kilometers apparently. The non-auto looks good though, so you should be happy with that one, but yeah, a bugger about it not being what you ordered. Are they both from the same breeder?? If so, I might make sure to steer clear of them, and I'd be contacting them too, if I got 2 dodgy seeds from the same breeder, although if they send you more, you may end up with more of the same.


*The males are not worth keeping if you are don't want to make seeds, there is nothing to do but rip it . Also, pollen can travel a very long distance,kilometers even

Edited by Ford Fairlane
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Different seed company for each, the Durban was from Royal Queen Seeds, 00 was the breeder for the Chocolate Skunk and Bonza as the supplier for both in the same order. I don't want to get down on anyone but I think it only fair that I share who the breeders were along with the supplier.  To be perfectly honest tonight I am just pissed off with the whole thing. In the morning I am going rip it, bag it and then toss it. Thanks for your input everyone.  :)

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Holy shit Max, you don't seem to be able to catch a break.


It's going to be interesting to see if your non auto Diesel is in fact a Diesel as well.  Personally I'd think it more likely that the seed bank is the issue rather than 2 different breeders in this case.  Seems likely that they got seeds mixed up when taking them from breeder packs and putting them into your pick n mix order.  I'd be shooting them off an email, but don't hold your breath on getting a positive of helpful response.  Let us know how you go with them.

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So after a nite to cool off I inspected him again this morning to see how badly it had turned and I checked as I chopped and I don't think I really found anything significant other than male flowers. I'm still pissed about the whole thing and will e-mail the company concerned and let you all know their response. 



Holy shit Max, you don't seem to be able to catch a break.


It's going to be interesting to see if your non auto Diesel is in fact a Diesel as well.  Personally I'd think it more likely that the seed bank is the issue rather than 2 different breeders in this case.  Seems likely that they got seeds mixed up when taking them from breeder packs and putting them into your pick n mix order.  I'd be shooting them off an email, but don't hold your breath on getting a positive of helpful response.  Let us know how you go with them.

When you are copping a spanking from the canna gods then you cop a real good one :)


I think your right I in fact have to log into their site and raise a support ticket, I still want to buy seed in fact I am planning on moving indoors so will want a fair amount of seeds...I am only going to get one chance to get the setup and the seed. As I have used these guys before and the goods arrived both times I was getting fairly confident however they are no good to me if  can't get what I ordered. But all is not lost lets see their response, I have been in business myself and am a firm believer in "if it can go wrong it will go wrong and all with the same customer" How they respond is the key for me now.

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Geez unlucky Max, you got dealt some dodgy cards m8.

Hmmmmm...yeah not pleased but hey I still have the unknown Female masquerading as the Diesel Auto. I still have three clones of this unknown female which I will try and get going I know its late but got nothing to lose at this stage. :)

Sorry for your loss Max, I haven't had the unfortunate experience of a feminized seed going hermie yet but I feel for you.


Hope your other plants turn finish nicely for you.

You and me both thanks for dropping by :)

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