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:D  ;) Grazie,


Its a perfect spot for it too!!

Yield? and what type of bloom additive should i use on her and how much and when? If that all makes sense.....

I think

, i have been every 2-3 weeks..Look forward to your answers! Cheers ::P:                             .

No I know a better spot.....Away from the house! THINK!!!!!!!!!

How much taller do you think it will get?

well its July 26,how much time do you think you have before frost?2months? Too big to hold themselves up. 2 much Nitrogen?

When do i stop putting 20-20-20 NOW! You dont need all that! For Gods sake its a weed! That why it so tall and skinny.

You know you are not looking forward to hearing from me.LMAO Wheres these pro pics you spoke of? And by the way you must be a big boy 6ft plant,I guess you planted it in a hole.Right? Apparently you dont remember too well.Move the plant Away from the house unless the house is another nemmis of yours and good luck on your grow.DONT GET BUSTED Its too close...I may not like some of your posts, but I dont want you to go down.Check this out IG http://glassgrinder.com/dtvgoespublic Thannk Me Later

Edited by Flopeye
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I am not worried about one plant... my next door neighbor is cool with it!


Its not that skinny either, she's 4 feet wide!


I am 6 feet tall if you were asking that? 2 months till frost yes she will be


huge and heavy but if you look where i put her there is a fence of lattice \


behind her, I am going to tie each branch of my "tree" to the fence like ivy,


hence making her even bigger and wider! What did I ever do to piss you


off and there are more pics coming not to worry! Its a large plant for july


so i obviously have done somthing right!


Thanks for the concern, i never knew you had so much hate in you! :D

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Thats a pretty good looking plant for an outdoor grow.. but the size of it.. by the time it buds, the buds will be hanging over the fence.. if ppl can see down the side of the houses its gonna be hard.. you should trim it back or move it.. and maybe start adding other bud promotion chems to it also.. its really thin and stemmy
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Thanks Nath, this KANOOK will not listen.Around here the planes would be flying all around that Sativa.Its going to stand out like a red dot from the sky! Please listen!!!Do they give PC use in jail? If you are not careful with that plant ,thats where you will be.And as far as your next door buddies,Thats a big NO NO My wife doesnt know about what ,when, where, and everyone should trust noone with info that will cause problems. I used to do a chick from Canada and she would listen either. You might as well pant the rest of the house green! Flo. Green at that! and pant pot on the roof! I have a bad feeling for you. I will be going out today for some pics of a July outdoor plant in the US,maybe you can see better than you read .Just advise from a OLD Man. Take it with a grain of salt. Edited by JUNIORBUDMASTER
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