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Chronic Pain Sucks!



Hey there!


First off, I am an advocate Medical Marijuana as I have a chronic back pain that just won't go away. I have been dealing with this since I started working as an online worker and I sit more than 8 hours a day. I have been self medicating myself with Indica strain cannabis when I was back in the Philippines my country. I am now here in Gold Coast as a student visa and studying full time and unfortunately I still have to work my ass off but I still refuse to take pill medications for my back pains. Stretching and proper posture is the only thing I can lessen the pain but it is still bothersome.  


I live in Gold Coast and I want to know if there is a medical cannabis doctor around here I don't wanna mess with the law or anything that could get me in trouble and send me back home packing, I hope to find and get my organic medication back and not get in trouble at same time.


How bad is the cannabis law here in Queensland? I hope they will legalize medical cannabis soon!





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Hi Aloidflip and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately cannabis is illegal in Australia so you wont find a doctor that can prescribe it for you.


Considering your status as a student I would advise you to find another way of dealing with your problem. Getting caught smoking cannabis might not get you sent home but growing cannabis or selling cannabis will get your visa cancelled.


If stretching and maintaining correct posture are helping your back it is most likely a bio-mechanical problem, I'd suggest swimming rather than smoking for more relief.

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Hi Aloidflip and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately cannabis is illegal in Australia so you wont find a doctor that can prescribe it for you.


Considering your status as a student I would advise you to find another way of dealing with your problem. Getting caught smoking cannabis might not get you sent home but growing cannabis or selling cannabis will get your visa cancelled.


If stretching and maintaining correct posture are helping your back it is most likely a bio-mechanical problem, I'd suggest swimming rather than smoking for more relief.


Thank You for your reply. Yes I guess I have to go with your advice, I live in a complex that has a pool and I will try and find time to go swimming. When I went into a doctor to have this back issue checked, he prescribed me 3 tablets to take if pain persist. I hate taking pain relievers and muscle relaxant that's why I opted in taking self medicated cannabis back home. I also have plans in going to Chiropractor but it's so expensive and my insurance doesn't cover it. :(

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Hi aloidflip,


Like lou said try some hydrothearopy & phsyo,I would go to a phsyo bfore I would go to a chiropractor.


I have suffered from chronic back pain for over  40yrs now,An find the phsyo better that chiro but we are all different.


I also have found good pain relief with using Qmanets,They cost a few dollars they are not like the normal magents they try to sell you for pain relief these things are super dooper strong,I suggest  you Google them an check them out.I use tens machines as well an they help to with the pain.  

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Hey guys! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I managed to have a swim wednesday and thrursday. I just need to make it a habit :) As for the stand up desk I did try looking in GumTree but no one's selling one hehe. I keep on looking and hopefully it's cheap and I can try it out. Instead of sitting around all day at work. Peace ya'll, one love!

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I'm a bit of a DIY wanna be, so to get my stand up gig going all those years ago, I went into Bunnings a picked up one of those pre-cut MDF pieces and plonked some 40cm legs under it and simply placed it on top of my sit down desk. Voila, it's at stand up height and years later it's going strong. Might of cost me $25 or there abouts.
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