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Medical Marijuanna - Cancer



Hi guys,


A while ago i posted a thread seeking advice on medical marijuanna.

I am back again, as the frist time around i never placed the order.

This was mainly due to nerves about QLD customs, and also relying on somebody else to come through for me, which never happened.

So the idea died off temporarily. I am back now, and still seeking similar advice.


I've narrowed my search down to two seedbanks:


Demon Seeds

Attitude Seedbank



Which one of these suppliers have a high success rate shipping to QLD?

Can anybody tell me from their experience?


Sorry to post another thread related to the same topic, it was awhile ago the other one.

I feel as if i'm ready to take a stab and put the nerves behind me, but if any of you can give me advice on how to do this safely, or even

guide me to a seedbank in AUS so it doesnt have to go through customs, i would appreciate it so much.

For those who don't know, my mother is suffering from stage 4 breast cancer (terminal). I would like to increase her quality of life.


I got tons of replies and responses last time, and I'm ever so grateful for that.

I'm sorry i didn't pull through the first time, but your responses never went to waste.












Sorry if this is posted under the wrong category.

Edited by sliM
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I have heard about Bonza getting into QLD w/o issues.

Customs, if they get the seeds, will not send you a naughty letter or send people to visit, unless you buy 100's of seeds at a time.


with the big holidays coming up, your success will be (possibly) greater than when ordering mid-year

Tho the longer you wait to order the longer it will be till you start your grow. 


I would suggest 2 (or more) strains, incase one strains does not agree with you (your mum).


there is at least 1seed bank in Australia BUT they are outrageously expensive, and do you want to give your details to a 'local' who knows what you are doing with the seeds you are buying? You won't see any experienced growers buying from them.

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I would suggest any internet transaction, here or OS is trackable if need be

sure if your a tech savvy person this might not be true but for prob 95% of us 

who aren't , it is 


Personal opinion , if Southern Star Seeds were to be taken down i don't think

anybody would be real interested in chasing 100's of single or double strain buyers 

how ever as you say matanuska thunder if the boys in blue found single purchases

for hundreds & hundreds of seeds , then i think that would be of some interest


Prob for sliM is SSS don't have any testing / info like OS strains do

Maybe have a look at CBD Crew & Mr Nice who have done some work


Like matanuska thunder said go with a couple of strains just in case

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It looks like you have done your research and know what you want. not a bad idea to get a couple of different strains though. All of those seedbanks you mentioned have a decent reputation, there is always the chance they won't make it though. Also try Herbies.


As far as ordering, there is a tutorial in cannaversity regarding getting seeds in. is mostly commonsence stuff though, things like, use a fake name, an prepaid cc without your details attached and get them sent to an address that will  not house the grow.

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It looks like you have done your research and know what you want. not a bad idea to get a couple of different strains though. All of those seedbanks you mentioned have a decent reputation, there is always the chance they won't make it though. Also try Herbies.


As far as ordering, there is a tutorial in cannaversity regarding getting seeds in. is mostly commonsence stuff though, things like, use a fake name, an prepaid cc without your details attached and get them sent to an address that will  not house the grow.

This is exactly my issue. I know to get a prepaid cc, and even use the real address but a different name. However, i want to post it elsewhere and i don't know where else i can send it to, this is my issue.

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Looking to have them sent to someone else in a different state to avoid QLD.


On another note i can get an ozzie tomorrow, however it is hydro and i don't know the chemicals used.

This is all i can get at the moment for her, would this be safe if made into a form of food?

Or should i not take any chances.


I need a reply relatively soon.




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I think Bonza have a delivery service that comes in then posted to ur address from inside australia

Might be an option, dont u have a family member that you can post them to, they just gotta deny deny deny, no trace back to them= innocent 


I wouldn't like to make a call on the suitability of locally purchased weed, unless you know the grower and their grow philosophy.


good luck

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