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Too sick to grow- no other treatments for pain in SA anymore
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We are in trouble people. many people are, and my wife and I personally. She is in a very bad way.
Read this. I know it is long, but it explains a lot (in general and our situation)
Please. All of us know peopel who are in pain. Some far too ill to grow. many have no chocie but Ocycontin as they are allergic to other meds. However the Oxycontin formula just changed as of June 2014 for Australia (it is bad, not as good, makes people sick, it changed in the USA in 2010). Do a search yourself. The new stuff is "tamper proof" (contains plastic & other nasties). Have look here.
and while you are at it learn about the bad state of pain troubles in SA. People have had to flee the state. Doctors are scared to death. I asked one doc (pain doc) why he could not prescribe for my wife and he said :"You of all people know that life isn't fair". That is the world we are in right now.
People can no longer get pain meds in SA. Not really. People are dying, some commiting suicide from pain. Not long back SA had a world recognized system of pain mamagement. Now it is the worst in the western world.
Nearly everyone on pain meds in SA is being forced off of them. Those who can have fled the state but many are too ill to leave, need their family support and it is all HERE, are supported by a family business located here.
Of course the more pain you are in, the more medicatoin you will need (and not all bodies work the same) but for a whil there has been new management at the SA DDU (run by ONLY addiction specialists, not pain docs anymore ) and they are certain EVERYONE is a drug seeking junky. They know nothing about the science of pain or how to treat it. They also belive all bodies work the same (look up "CYP450 2D6" on the web and find out we do not :
* The Cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP2D6 is used by about 25% of drugs. All the prescription and non prescription pain meds use this liver pathway in some way to get the meds to work.
* in approximately 10% of Caucasians CYP2D6 allele is missing (no way to get those meds to work)
* in 35% of Caucasians there is completely non-functional CYP2D6 allele
* So 45% of white folk get ALMOST NO pain relief from ANY pain drug (most pain meds have a partial secondary pathway that gives weak relief).
* 7% metabiloize them so fast it is dangerous.
* 7-14% have a slow acting form of CYP2D6
* between 15% and 30% (depending on what you read) have a WILD variation, many of which do not work well
so that makes 75% to 81% of white people, who do not get the expected results from pain meds
*** What Rann Did ***
Rann put the anti-drug warriors of the methadone climic system in SA in charge of the Drugs of Dependency Unit (the people who say if you get any strong pain meds) and tehn made an open door (no questions asked) policy between them and the medical licensing board. Doctors aere at risk and patients are screwed.
So in teh old days you got a refereal from your GP to any number of types of specialstist for a diagnosis and if you need pain management you were evaulated by a specialist ( pain specialist or another realated field) and sas a shrink to prove you are were nuts or out for easy drugs, and then you usually got at last a big part of what you needed (as nothing is perfect). NOW you get sent ONLY to a ONE SORT of pain specialist who is also PETRIFIFED to go agaisnt the D.D.U. prejudices.
The DDU of SA destroyed Dr Ean Buttfields practice (he can't see patients anymore) and he is nationally & internationally respected as a pain specialist & on a a national Australian board for pain management - all for treating people in pain properly. He was treating a woman with an odd bone disease. Her bones were litereally turing to powder and had many breaks all over. It started with her knew cap breaking one day for no apparent reason. She is in utter agony. Her family started the Pain Patient Rights Organistion from the link below.
Now she lives full time in the Royal Adelaide withotu any real pain management thaks to the new DDU. She cannot even manage to tollerate a hug for her husband.... she is just dying very very slowly and in unbearable agony. And they are Catholics, so no suicide for them.
The new DDU LOVES to play games to make people just go away.
They "loose" patients records mysteriously, claiming never to have heard of patients who have been treated for many years. Then the GPs and specialists must gather and send all their old records to the DDU all over (if they have them all) with the specialists letters of authority (the letter that proves they can get treated and in what manner)
And then the records get "lost" again... and again... My wife had hers "lost" 3 times in one week once. Then again 6 months later... and again in 18 months...and several times more. She is far from alone in this.
When her GP changed practice to another area, they of course used this to "lose" them all again, forcing the new doc at that surgery to find them all & send them all back. When her READ those other doctors notes he was scared for her survival at their hands, and tried to get her more help. That was not enough either. They made her go through evaluation all over again (against the law) several times, each with a new doc until they got one who said what they wanted to hear. He old pain doc in now retuired and was the best in teh state and a diagnostician to boot (like "House" only nice and not popping vicodin).
My wife is far from alone in this experience. Of course if you send them what they need often enough they try another tactic. They force you - as they did with her - and against the act the DDU is run under- to go to a new pain specialist... again and again and again
The DDU of this era jerks patients around, trying to get them to go away and give up,. They send them to specialist after specialist UNTIL they get the answer they SEEK - and only one answer is OK. THE ANSWER?
* Everyone is an addict
* nobody needs meds
* you are all just seeking drugs
* if you are on them then reduce your use and then stop.
People who are in too much agony to be willing to stop their meds, get sent to drug detox (regardless of theri health or the risk). You medical records are of no interest. There have been a lot of suicides (there are some listed on that LINK and some letters there too - explaining why certain group members are going to kill themselves and when (and even how).
Now days only ACCREDITED PAIN SPECIALISST can prescribe pain meds in SA, which massively reduced who can do it. No longer can other specialists who MUST deal with serious pain do that part of their normal job as was the norm for many decades. So the orthopedists, rheumotoligists & oncologists have to send their patients to another doc - and they KNOW what the answer will be. If you ar enot goin gto die (and quick) the answer is no (or a tiny amount and then they take it away).
Hospital pain clinic watiting lists are 4 years & longer now because so many docs who USED to treat pain cannot. The private and public pain docs are terrified so they ALWAYS give the answer that the DDU wants to get.
They are (of course) taking away my wifes meds and she was told bluntly in 1997 (as she resisted narcotics until she was starving to death) that she HAD to take pain meds FOR LIFE to live & if she did not treat her pain she would die. She was told to look at it like how a diabetic needs insulin. AS teh DDU began to jerk her around I started researching her conditions to find answers. I was amazed at how little most docs knew. What I found did help... a lot.. bu tnot enough, and not THAT fast.
On our own (hating the meds & being abused by the DDU, not trusting them, we found SOME alternative ways of treatment (damiana, devils claw, brahim, turmeric, Macuma, DL Phenalanine, schisandra, MSM) but they have limits and $$cost$$. On her own & with my reseach, my wife has more than halved her pain meds & the DDU want her off all of them. No choices.
Ib 2010 the USA started using a new anti-tampering for of oxycontin to stop "drug abuse". All it really did was send the Oxy users to other narcotics - mostly heroin of unknown ingredients and strength instead (and they are dying by droves in the USA now).
In June 2014 Australia went to the same *BAD* forumla. Canada went to it in March.
This new one has nasty ingredients that make many people ill. It does not seem to work as well either and takes longer to kick in. Many people have bad reactions to it. This is all over the web & has been since 2010. The new formulation has a plastic binder instead of a wax matrix, and it contains butylated hydroxytolulene (BHT).
In June My wife was swapped to this new formulation.
*BUT* My wife was found to be highly allergic to BHT when she was 4 years old! She CAN'T take it safely. We wondered for abtou 40 days why she was feeling so bad andy why her allergies were playing up dangerously.
She has not had any BHT since she was 5 for a good reason. We did not know it was in there until yesterday night. The plastic causes her bad enough instetinal craps to not want to use it...but the BHT is not doable. She is going ot have to quit and way too fast.
She CANNOT use other pain meds as they were all tried. She has a lot of allergies and many meds do not work right on her. Now she has constant bad allergic reactions with her throat very sore, it is hard to swallow, she has terrible abdominal cramps. EVery common BHT allergic reactoin is in full swing in her and getting worse.
She *did* have over a year to finish going off everything, but now she is screwed.
We are too sickly to grow & I could not get gorwing to work if I tried in this condition. I am far from well now. Caring for my wife (whjo I love more than my own health and life) through all of the DDU and doctor abuses of the last huynk of years (in whidh she came close to death several times) has reuined my health too. I am in a lot of pain (guess what I don't get for much longer... no matter what the hard sceince says - although I almost died in 2006).
Our daughter had to stop school to take care of both of us & she (like her mother) is a real honest to god genius (talking at 2 months, soudned like a uni english major by 5). My wife had an IQ over 200 and was in Uni at age 9 in a special program desoigned around HER. With proper medical care she is STILL an asset to any nation. Without it... she propably just dies.
We just want to live. Green would be good. Fantasic. Pain Killing. A real solution.
But I am not a kid, in years 10-12 or in Uni. I am in my 50s now. Man I grew up very straight laced (I escaped a bible basher family) and I never though I would even have an interest in all this. As my own pain meds drop, I am less able to help her with the medical stuff that *I am the one who knows. I taught myself herbalism, accupuncture, all sorts of things to help her pain on a pension budget. Now days, after years without even a beer, I have had to take to keeping a wine bottle by the bed so I can sleep and a vodka bottle for very bad nights. My body is broken & they are taking away MY meds too (of course).
We are so sick we only leave the house one time each month for food and doctor visits. One day out of 28. No other people are in our lives but the three who live here. We live out in the Riverlands on land with realtively low spraying because WE MUST. You see my wife and I also have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (or so our Mainstream hospital dianostician of 37 years heading the department says) and the wife gets seizures from going into town. She has to use an oxygen tank to go into town at all. We are too ill to go anywhere we don't HAVE to go to (and HAVE TO means we will die if we do not - I went to hospital after I blew an artery & lost 5 units of blood into my belly, not before). To us, hospitas are damned dangerous places. The air inthose palces sends my B.P. up to about 210/140 (and that can't be treated other than by avoidance). We have to eat all organic ($$$) and live all green as we react very badly to all the poison humanity created for a quick buck.
- nothing nasty in our house ever. New items all have to outgass - sit in fron to fans on teh otehr side of the house... to remove all that petrochemical stupidity.
It is amazing when you live out in the country (going out a bit further with each move, for years, until you finally manage to buy an old place) that you realize how BAD the chemicals stink in a standard suburb shop (chemists are really bad).
When you get this sick your friends sort of drift away. After all you are not fun to be around. There are too many rules for people to want to visit you. Even if I knew how to contact the few people I knew who smoked back 15 years ago (I don't) I could not drive that far. Dead god how I wish I could get her a few ounces of widow (I can cope somhow... I know she can't and she is more important).
We are uttlery isolated due to disablity. We don't know anyone but each other and our daughter anymore. Our daughter has grown up with this, had spotty education... and even so at 10 she was mistaken when online - fomr some much older uni graduate (quite often). At least whatever part pof out problems are genetic - she was not exposed to the chemicals that pushed it along.
We know the pharmacy meds are bad for us. Oh yes we know. But I have so many types of pain (as my wife does with her own) that we had to use them. When the pain is off the scale, adn you invent a new "10" on your 1 to 10 scale...what choice is there? What choice did we have? Now all teh pain meds go away. My wife will have to stop her last 100mg or so VERY rapidy in order to not have anaphylactic shock as she cannot keep taking allergy pills constanly forever - and al;ergies get worse with each exposure.
This is dangerous. OF course with the DDU the way it is, she will NOT be able to swap medication (and there is nothign to swap TO for her). All that is left is cannabis, and I cannot grow in my condition. we known no people face-to-face at all anymore (definitaly not contacts in that world).
We have one tiny bag of old dried up leaf from about 2005. A few seeds form my won strain form wehn I was well enogh to grow and before we got any real pain medication. Old seeds. Old leaf. No contacts.
We need some very very quite medical compassion clubs in Australia.
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Edited by Ozzy420Please read site rules...
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