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Mother with Terminal Cancer (Help Please)



Hi guys,


I am an Australian son to my mother whom has terminal bone cancer, or otherwise known as 2nd degree breast cancer.

My mother has had it twice, first time breast cancer, and now bone. We have tried every legal treatment available,

and luckily due to my mothers healthy lifestlye and diet she has managed to keep somewhat healthy...


Over the years i have dicussed medical marijuanna with her (cannbis oils), and recently she has decided she wants to try

a proper regulated routine rather than face chemo for a third time. My mother is seeing her doctor tomorrow about prescription marijuanna

as we are desperate to try something new that works even if it is temporary. However, i don't know the ins and outs of it being legal in Australia.


If my mother cannot get access to cannbis oils what can i do? I do not wish to see her suffer, and i do not wish to see her suffer more because

of sleep deprivation to the point of being scattered; especially when there are options we can try.


I guess i am here to ask does anybody know another way she can take marijuanna medically if the doctor says no.

If i go on a search how do i know what is closer to medical grade standards of weed?

I don't know what to do, so any advice and guidance would be so much appreciated.



Thanks guys,


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Hi Brent,


It is my pleasure to be able to help you out & your mum as we are all in the same boat mate even if we suffer from different illnesses that cannabis can help us with.


I myself am still trying to get hold of these seed strain's myself,All the seed banks shop's I have contacted are either out of them or don't stock them.


The only shop that has most of the high CBD strain's that I have mentioned is the  {http://canadianhempco.com } an they are very costly from that supplier.


If I manage to get hold of some of these high CBD cannabis strain's I will let you know the name of the supplier here on this thread  so you can buy some from them as well,That the best that I can do for you an your mum.


Try these crew out as well they have some very good strain's that are good medical crosses.={original sensible seed company }=  {http://original-ssc.com }sensible seed company}={ http://topfemseeds.com} an check out there medical seeds they have for sale & they have good prices as well not a rip off.


I am sorry that I can't do anything more than that.


All the best with your quest Brent.



Edited by Dingo-2008
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Hi Brent,


It is my pleasure to be able to help you out & your mum as we are all in the same boat mate even if we suffer from different illnesses that cannabis can help us with.


I myself am still trying to get hold of these seed strain's myself,All the seed banks shop's I have contacted are either out of them or don't stock them.


The only shop that has most of the high CBD strain's that I have mentioned is the  {http://canadianhempco.com } an they are very costly from that supplier.


If I manage to get hold of some of these high CBD cannabis strain's I will let you know the name of the supplier here on this thread  so you can buy some from them as well,That the best that I can do for you an your mum.


Try these crew out as well they have some very good strain's that are good medical crosses.={original sensible seed company }=  {http://original-ssc.com }sensible seed company}={ http://topfemseeds.com} an check out there medical seeds they have for sale & they have good prices as well not a rip off.


I am sorry that I can't do anything more than that.


All the best with your quest Brent.






Dear all, I came across this thread whilst desperately researching RSO for a dear friend who has terminal cancer. Are you able to provide any feed back on whether you had any success with this treatment?, and if you were able to source the oil locally ( he is in brisbane) or if you know where I could get this oil  asap. He is quite advanced and the chemo has failed. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Dear all, I came across this thread whilst desperately researching RSO for a dear friend who has terminal cancer. Are you able to provide any feed back on whether you had any success with this treatment?, and if you were able to source the oil locally ( he is in brisbane) or if you know where I could get this oil  asap. He is quite advanced and the chemo has failed. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance

Hi bettye sorry to hear about your friend, Don't be afraid to start your own thread here, you will find most people are really helpful. When you ask about success I think you may need to clarify what exactly you want the cannabis oil to do... what I mean...ie is the cannabis to be used for pain, nausea, sleep,anxiety etc etc. There are many different ways to ingest cannabis without smoking it. For example you can eat it, vaporise it, refine it to hash or oil, make a cooking oil, make capsules to be swallowed and the list goes on. Have a bit more of look though this forum for further idea's.



Hi Slim Sorry to hear about your Mum not a pleasant road to be on. If your looking for growing idea's and practical stuff have a look at some of the Diaries. Great info in them, in fact I am about to start another one where I am starting from scratch with shitty ground and basic cheap seeds. The grow will be mainly organic with most of the work being done in the site prep. Many of the idea's for this came from reading other peoples diaries and what worked for them. I will also go back to the forums for idea's and advice.  Good luck I hope you can work something out.

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