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whats wrong here?

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Ok, its been a week since I started this thread, I checked my ph levs and our tap water sits around 8 as does our pond water, so, amendments were made and after checking ozzy 420's nutrient deficiency troubleshooting "guide" I decided to give them a feed of guano tea.

Here are some pics...post-32912-0-74961700-1399944991_thumb.jpg






Sorry, thats my brother murray,hes a gimp...

Any input will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, toadsmoker.

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Ok, I think I have it...post-32912-0-57505600-1399968913_thumb.jpgthese are from outside, under the sun.

The only difference in thier treatment so far is that the outsiders get a thourough drenching when they are watered...insiders get hand watered until we get a little runoff.

So, tonight im going to flush and see if I can really fuck things up lol

Im guessing there is some sort of nutrient retention coz they look burnt...also in the suposed premium grade potting mix from bunnings there are slow release fert granules with who knows what in them...


The only other time Ive grown and not used a recirculating system I had a simillar problem but no where near as bad. I remember flushing them and voilà, happy as, well, laverne I guess.

Heres another shot of the insiders (yeah I know, hell crap photog here)


So...lets see what happens.

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