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Male Cannabis Users Are Needed

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lets hope this becomes a constructive exercise, as opposed to the many studies i come across over the years...saw one done in a major re-hab in my capital city...what a fucking joke. end result: pot is the most evil substance in the world and test subjects will say that all day if it means getting out 2 weeks early and back to the junk...amazing shit...



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Thats exactly what I'm worried about. Who ultimately funds this study anyway? Who owns the university? The answer to that question might prove a good indicator as to how it'll all turn out. Wouldn't happen to be Government subsidised by any chance?



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people complain about there not being enough studies into cannabis, now someone is actively asking for assistance and all some people can do is critizise!!!!



If you have any questions why don't you ring the guy and ask him, why don't you read about his research and the reasons why he is conducting it?


This is silly. Nobody who smokes would ask such a question


Why wouldn't someone who smokes ask a question like that? everyone smokes for a different reason. I often ask other smokers I know why they smoke, why they started and all that stuff... how else is someone supposed to learn, form their own opinions?


There is no comparison to smoking pot and without a reference point any explanation of usage is going to be dry analytical crap


Analytical crap is what research is all about, it's not good research if it's not analytical


...a study by someone who has never tried pot will be flawed.


Please explain why it would be flawed?


You are saying that to study something, conduct research and present a paper on that research without having personal experience is flawed!! Me thinks your thinking on this matter might be flawed.

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people complain about there not being enough studies into cannabis, now someone is actively asking for assistance and all some people can do is critizise!!!!


Not enough studies into cannabis????? There have been countless studies into Cannabis? The US Federal Government has spent millions over the last 70 years investigating the effects of marijuana. All of that research was geared towards discovering harmful aspects. It's only logical to question the true reasons behind yet another government study. I think its safe to assume this University is Government funded.


Why wouldn't someone who smokes ask a question like that?


Because they already know the answer. Someone who never drinks alcohol will never understand why people do. Words cannot put across an unfamiliar experience. They can only describe a sensation in relation to known experiences. This particular study is only being conducted to shed light on why some people suffer mental problems while others don't. Such research is a two edged sword. It can both help to identify people at risk of psychosis and fuel public concerns over this minor percentage of users. Only a very small number of people ever develop schitzophrenia and marijuana's contributing factors are only slightly understood. Naturally the Government would be greatly interested in further researching this on the offchance something damning can be learned to aid their propaganda department. While I wholeheartedly support research and truth, I am suspicious of any government funded marijuana study. They invariably focus entirely on harmful aspects of smoking and ignore any positive findings. That isn't fair and unbiased research. Perhaps I seem paranoid to you but 70 years of gutter science in this area isn't paranoia. It's fact.


Analytical crap is what research is all about, it's not good research if it's not analytical


Creativity, artistic talent, happiness and out of the box thinking can't be quantified. Analytical ability resides in the other hemisphere of the brain. Where language ability and mathematics reign. Contrary to pre-Newtonian thinking, not everything is quantifiable.


Please explain why it would be flawed?


A person who was born blind and has never seen colour can interview as many people about it as he wants, but he will never understand the concept. Some things can only be lived. Symbols are inadequate to describe them. Straight people simply cannot understand why we get stoned. No academic report will fix that.

Edited by Chong
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One day these researchers are going to do real research on the effects of cannabis. Every year some group gets a nice (GOVERNMENT GRANT) to study the effects of cannabis, and when they call for people to come forward, they will not include in the study group people who have mental problems. Now this shit's me to the max, since I was a child I have suffered from Schizophrenia, and the old story, you smoke pot you will get Schizophrenia. I use cannabis to self medicate myself, and to date no problem.


It's just like grog, some-one can have a beer or two and lose the plot, whereas another person can drink a carton with no trouble at all. When will these pen pushing, seat polishing wankers in white coats get their act together and stop trying to find the neg side of cannabis, without the government grants behind them. The day this really happens, is the day the Gonernment sit up and take notice.


Before any Ozstoners plans to join any research, just ask where the funding is coming from!

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I hear ya Don't Panic. Totally agree. Some people become complete wankers after a few beers. Nobody calls it multiple personality disorder because its a legal drug and hence obviously good for ya! Ha!


Nobody is even sure exactly what schizophrenia is and 10 years ago most doctors denied it was real. Now they are trying to use it to demonise weed. Go figure.


I'd like to know more about this Uni Professor. Maybe he has tried it and is on our side. Obviously he won't admit it. That might explain his interest. It's possible. I seriously fucking doubt it but you never know.


However, I take any government research with a pinch of salt. They've cried wolf far too many times. You just know they are after damning evidence in support of prohibition. You'd think after 70 fucking years of trying they'd give up. Wankers.

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