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Marijuana infused into coconut oil FIGHTS cancer (and other benefits&#



Now THIS idea has serious merit ..........




You cannot help but wonder if the vilification of marijuana has been another plot to deceive the public, just as generations of Americans were deceived about the so-called "healthy vegetable oils" we were told to consume daily... And it turns out those same vegetable oils (soy oil, corn oil, etc) were actually killing us all along!

Thousands of studies have emerged over the years showing some of the therapeutic and medicinal uses of naturally occuring compounds in the Marijuana plant. Unfortunately, inhaling the smoke of ANY plant can be harmful to your health, especially your lungs.

For that reason, I thought this article below was very interesting about a way to use Marijuana infused into coconut oil for some of the medicinal uses.  Especially with the legalization of marijuana for medicinal uses in several states now.

Fascinating stuff!

Read the groundbreaking new article here:http://app.maropost.com/click/33702/11384238/4f3de5fd13bacf2dd73b06d3a7c915c807a5ca54/?url=http://images.ultracart.com/aff/42FD4525A7F9FD0145240AD0E8051600/index.html?subid%3Dcannabis409



PS -- if you liked today's article on coconut oil and marijuana combined, please fwd this email on to any of your friends, family, or co-workers that would enjoy it.


Mike Geary

Certified Nutrition Specialist

Certified Personal Trainer











Irollie Publishing, LLC, 311 West Third St, Suite 3991, Carson City, Nevada 89703, United States


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Cheers Nibbs. Where do you get the oil from? Yeah yeah I know coconuts! lol. I can't seem to find it on the shelves at Safeway or Coles, maybe cos I live in the country and there is no market for it here.

Heya Mate, :rofl:  look in the asian food section or around that area. Should be in a jar, as it's solid before heating it. At the IGA there is a good organic one. I live in the sticks too mate =)

:peace: Nibbler

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Hi Brick


I also make canna infused coconut oil , i put 1 gram of dried bud per 10mls of oil, and gently simmer it until it changes colour from green to a light straw brown, then i drain it well, and store it back in the jar i bought it in..  it results in a golden oil that smells like the flower you use.


I cook with it, take it orally for many reasons, i use it topically on skin problems, ive made caramel sauce with it.. i think its one of the best ways to consume cannabis medically,


next harvey im going to make a non decarboxulated, batch strictly for medicinal use, non decarbing the weed, allows it not to be psyco active, which is not every stoners dream, but its what i want to try.. as reaserch has found THCA to equal  CBD...  in its effects on the CB1 and CB2 receptors..


Im bringing a batch of brownies to MG, made with it..



good luck with the cooking!!


peace vape

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Hi Brick


I also make canna infused coconut oil , i put 1 gram of dried bud per 10mls of oil, and gently simmer it until it changes colour from green to a light straw brown, then i drain it well, and store it back in the jar i bought it in..  it results in a golden oil that smells like the flower you use.


I cook with it, take it orally for many reasons, i use it topically on skin problems, ive made caramel sauce with it.. i think its one of the best ways to consume cannabis medically,


next harvey im going to make a non decarboxulated, batch strictly for medicinal use, non decarbing the weed, allows it not to be psyco active, which is not every stoners dream, but its what i want to try.. as reaserch has found THCA to equal  CBD...  in its effects on the CB1 and CB2 receptors..


Im bringing a batch of brownies to MG, made with it..



good luck with the cooking!!


peace vape

Thanks vape. I'll be doing some fudge cookies as soon as I can find some oil. That info is handy as I was going to use a shit load of buds in 60ml of oil. Thanks again.

Edited by brick
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Canna coconut oil is awesome..recently a friend have me a big shopping bag full of seeded hermie buds n leaf.. Straight into the slow cooker along with 2 litres of water and two jars of organic coconut oil. Left it going for 18 hours, then strained all liquid and let to set in fridge..

I didn't make cookies,just used it out of the jar either ingesting for myself (1/2 tsp) or applying topically for my Mrs moisturiser.

I would take it everyday while making dinner,by the time dinner was done and the kids off to bed it would hit me perfectly, not too strong, just right..

What I found from regular use was really interesting, and something that I just never got from smoking (about a 1/4 a week). #1 My diverticulitis symptoms completely disappeared and #2 if you've ever taken Viagra, this stuff gives it a run for its money. I couldn't Believe it, I tried google for canna/coconut aphrodisiacs and couldn't find anything.. unfortunately I have since run out, as one jar went to a friend and the other was dropped and broken half full, damn it

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