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Tons of cannabis e-books

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I had insomnia last night so decided to build a collection of light reading material to occupy myself.  Everything is either in the public domain or is freely available thanks to google anyway so I don't see the harm in posting it all here :)



A chemotaxonomic analysis of cannabinoid variation in Cannabis.pdf

A historical overview of chemical research on cannabinoids.pdf

A Temporal Study of Cannabinoid Composition in Continual Clones of Cannabis Sativa.pdf

Activation Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Opium and Cannabis samples.pdf

Altitudinal Variation of Leaf Epidermal Patterns in Cannabis Sativa.pdf

Assessment of the Genetic Stability of Micropropagated Plants of Cannabis sativa by ISSR Markers.pdf

Biochemical differences in Cannabis sativa L.depending on sexual phenotype.pdf

Cannabaceae Hemp Family (Taxonomic Key)!.pdf

Cannabidol potentiates THC behavioral effects and alters THC pharmacokinetics during acute and c.pdf

Cannabinoid patterns in seedlings of Cannabis and their use in derterminatin of chemical race.pdf

Cannabinoid Profile and Elemental Uptake of Cannabis...Soil - 1975.PDF

Cannabinoids and metabolites in expectorated oral fluid after 8 days of controlled round the clo.pdf

Characterisation of hemp Cannabis sativa roots under different growing conditions.pdf

Chemical Ecology of Cannabis.pdf

Chemistry and Biological Activity of THC and its derivitatives (AMAZING).pdf

Chemotaxonomy of Cannabis I. Crossbreeding between Cannabis sativa.pdf


comparative biology of plant telomeres.pdf

Constituents of Cannabis sativa XIV Intrinsic Problems In Classifying Cannabis Based On A Single.pdf

Copper localization in Cannabis sativa L. grown in a copper rich solution.pdf

Current status and future scenarios of hemp breeding.pdf


Effects of ABA on primary terpenoids and THC in Cannabis sativa at flowering stage.pdf

Effects of fertilzers on Yeild...Cannaibs - 1945.PDF

Experiments With various Plants to Produce Change of Sex in the Individual.pdf

Extraordinary sexual phenomena in plants.pdf

floral biology and pollination biology of cannabis sativa.pdf

Genetics and marker-assisted selection of the chemotype in Cannabis sativa.pdf

hemp breeding.pdf

identification and characterization of cannabinoids that induce cell death through mitochondrial.pdf

Identification of candidate genes affecting thc biosynthesis.pdf


impact of physical and chemical mutagens on sex expression in cannabis sativa.pdf

Induction of Fertile Male Flowers in Genetically Female Cannabis sativa Plants by Silver Nitrate and Silver Thiosulphate Anionic Complex .pdf

Influence of ethanol on cannabinoid pharmacokinetic parameters in chronic users.pdf

Interrelationships of glandular trichomes and cannabinoid content II.pdf

Marijuana, and Overview of the Empirical Literature.pdf

Mercury In Marijuana.pdf

Mineral Nutrition of Cannabis sativa - 1997.pdf

Morphology of glandular hairs of Cannabis sativa from scanning electron microscopy - 1973.pdf

Nitrogen Fertilization and Sex Expression Affect Size Varibility In Fibre Hemp.pdf

nutrient uptake and partitioning by hemp.pdf

Photosynthetic Response of Cannabis sativa, and important medicinal plant, and elevated levels o.pdf

Phytochemical and genetic analyses of ancient cannabis from Central Asia.pdf

Possible role of ultraviolet radiation in evolution of Cannabis chemotypes.pdf

Potency trends of THC and other Cannabinoids in Confiscated Cannabis from 1993 to 2008.pdf

Propagation through alginate encapsulation of axillary buds of Cannabis sativa L.pdf

Quantitative Analysis of Cannabinoids in the Secretory Product from Capitate-Stalked Glands of C.pdf

Quantitative Determination of Cannabinoids in Individual Glandular Trichomes of Cannabis.pdf

Recent Advances in Cannabis sativa Research.pdf

Responses of greenhouse grown cannabis - NPK - 1977.pdf

Secretory Cavity Development in Glandular Trichomes of Cannabis sativa L.pdf

Sex Chromosomes of Cannabis sativa.pdf


Spontaneous regression of septum pleeucidum forniceal pilocytic astrocymas Possible Role of Cann.pdf

Structuring Mr Nice Entrepreurial opportunities and brokerage positioning in the cannabis trade.pdf

Suppressive Effects of 2 Thiouracil on Differentiation and Flowering in Cannabis sativa.pdf

Temperature Response of Photosynthesis in different Drug and Fiber Varieties of Cannabis sativa.pdf

The Change of Opposite to Alternate Phyllotaxy and Repeated Rejuvenations in Hemp by.pdf

The chemistry of cannabis.pdf

The Constituents of Cannabis Sativa Pollen.pdf

The Evolution of Cannabinoid Phenotypes in Cannabis.pdf

The Fluctuation Curve of Sex Reversal in Staminate Hemp Plants Induced by Photoperiodicity.pdf

The Influence of Growth Regulators Absorbed by the Root on Sex Expression in Hemp Plants.pdf

The Influence of Relative Length of Daylight on the Reversal of Sex in Hemp.pdf

The Inheritance of Chemical Phenotype in Cannabis sativa L..pdf

The sexual differentiation of Cannabis sativa A morphological and molecular study.pdf

Time course of cannabinoid accumulation and chemotype development during the growth of cannabis .pdf

Time factor in utilization of mineral nutrients by hemp.pdf

Tissue Culture and Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of Hemp.pdf

Tolerance and Cross tolerance to neurocognitive effects of THC and alcohol in heavy Cannabis Use.pdf

Trichomes and cannabinoid content of developing leaves and bracts of cannabis sativa.pdf

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Doctor, This is a fantastic collection of articles, thank you so much for going to great effort to source all this literature. I have no idea how you managed to find all these articles for free!! What you have put together is a dream for anyone who wants to write a lit review on cannabis, which there are not to many of. You have used a wide range of articles many from reputable journals. Nice work.. :bow:

Can I please ask the mods to move this thread to the cannabis research forum so I can find it again :please:

Super cool Doc, well done :afro:


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I had insomnia last night so decided to build a collection of light reading material to occupy myself.  Everything is either in the public domain or is freely available thanks to google anyway so I don't see the harm in posting it all here :)

Holy shit!! You're more productive when you're trying to sleep than I am when I'm awake. This is fantastic. Thank you.

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In case that ever goes down I saved it as a pdf file.



If anyone has anything more to add to the collection please feel free to upload it :)


edit: It's my pleasure to share.  I'm just glad that the 2-3 hours I spent getting stoned and wanting to read stuff about breeding is of use to other people :)

Edited by DoctorWho
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