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How To Smoke A Bucket Bong/pool Bong/rocket

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Couple of tips for you bucket bong heads (I cant deal with them anymore, my lungs just wont handle it).


1. Put a pingpong ball inside the bottle, this prevents sucking up any water at the end of the hit no matter how ripped you are.


2. The best tops for bucket bongs are half inch drive 12mm sockets from a socket set. Just cut a piece of wire gauze (stainless is best) to fit in the end of the socket which would usually go on a nut or bolt and use a few wraps of electrical tape to get a perfect seal in the top of the bottle. You'll never use a screw on bottle cap again.

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Another one i have used is called a DESERT BONG. you set your coke bottle up the same way as you would a bucket bong but instead of using water you tape a plastic bag on the bottom of the bottle so that it is airtight and you just suck the air out of the bag, fill your cone and light while pulling the bag out of the bottle, the suction pulls the cone for you ;)
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you don't always need a bucket either, you can use smaller bottles.....i've made one using a 1.25L water bottle and powerade bottle before, just cut the top off the big bottle, fill with water, and use the powerade bottle to pull. the lids on the powerade bottles are also good for fitting a cp (the pop-up ones i mean), you just cut off the bit that pops up in the centre of the lid, and it's the perfect size for a cp to slip in. you can't fit a huge amount of bud in there, but this is only a miniature bucket bong so you don't need heaps....
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