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How To Smoke A Bucket Bong/pool Bong/rocket

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Hello fello stoners,


Today I thought I would share with the community and those who may not yet have known or used this as a method of smoking their beloved Mary J.


Today I will be sharing my method of having a what I like to call a "ROCKET".


Materials required: 2litre Bottle, Cutting Utensil, lighter, cone peice (small or extra large as I like), Mary J and either a pool, bucket filled with water or any medium that will hold enough water for a coke or pepsi 2 litre bottle to be submerged.


Refer to piccie for common equipment required.


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Step 1 - With the 2 ltr bottle you have, cut around 3 to 5 cm from the base, or the legs of the bottle completely off with the cutting utensils. Discard the base as it is off no use other than an ash tray. The 2ltr bottle you have should of had a lid or cap attached. Using your lighter burn a hole to fit the cone peice in the top of the lid. Once fitted snug, Fill cone peice with Mary J, only about half full depending on whether you think all will burn when lifting the bottle from the water.


Edited by PiNkY
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Step 2 - Proceed to pool or bucket (in my case the pool) with both the bottle and lid. It is recommended at this stage that you dont connect the lid with cone peice to the bottle. First submerge bottle in the pool of water so the bottle is only sticking out from the surface a few centemeters. Do this in order that all air is out of the bottle, but no water is touching the tip of the cone peice when it is screwed on.


Refer to picture.


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Step 3 - Whilst bottle is submerged and held steady attach by screwing lid with cone peice to the bottle. Be sure not to push down on the bottle as you can do one or both of two things: 1 - wetting the cone, 2 - blowing the weed out of the cone peice from the pressure.


Refer to piccie.


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Step 4 - The FUN part. Whilst lighting the cone peice lift the bottle upwards. This creates a vaccumm which sucks the heat burning the weed in the cone peice whilst the smoke is sucked down and trapped between the water and the top of the bottle.


Refer to piccie.


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Step 6 or 5 not sure to bent now :) wee -


Remove lid and cone peice from bottle. Try not to move the bottle as you will be losing all the precious smoke you have just extracted. Place mouth to bottle and push down. ACCEPT. ACCEPT the smoke!. The smoke is your friend.


Beware - Don't enhale the water as this wrecks the whole bucket experience.


Finally then get fully baked and watch cool shit. Like cartoons.


Feel free to add if you have anything i have left out or anything you believe will improve my practice.


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