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Daily cannabis users more likely to be dependent on nicotine

OZ Stoners

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Propaganda from the 80's

"WARNING: Tobacco is a gateway drug to Cannabis and other drugs"


Propaganda from 2016

"WARNING: Cannabis is a gateway drug to Tobacco and other drugs"




"WARNING: Too much greenhouse gases are being produced by stupid politicians and by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre from all the crap they produce. The age of entitlement is over? Good, close them down. We have enough crap without them making more. Surely they can find another use for the money other than NCPIC, something useful, like a needle exchange.

Edited by merl1n
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Nicotine is a gateway drug, full stop.

Of course cannabis users are 'more likely' to be dependent on nicotine. 

Many canna users first inhaled drug experience was with ciggies.


and ya know what else?


correlation does NOT equal causation


"WARNING: Too much greenhouse gases are being produced by stupid politicians and by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre from all the crap they produce. The age of entitlement is over? Good, close them down. We have enough crap without them making more. Surely they can find another use for the money other than NCPIC, something useful, like a needle exchange.



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what a load of untruths masquerading as fact. I gave up cigarettes years ago and like to either vape or bong almost everyday and I have never even thought of lighting a cigarette. I might have a glass of nice red, before switching to water. If I use their logic, cannabis is a gateway drug to red wine and water. It is amazing how the truth sets you free and removes the scales from your eyes.

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So the NCPIC is still on this taxpayer's funded junket after all these years, while spreading bullshit like this.


A good chunk of it is going to board members that only sit for a handful of times a year, and achieve fuck all in the process. The rest is copy & paste crap from other BS findings around the world.


It'd be really interesting to find out how much this mob is costing the country, annually.

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So the NCPIC is still on this taxpayer's funded junket after all these years, while spreading bullshit like this.


A good chunk of it is going to board members that only sit for a handful of times a year, and achieve fuck all in the process. The rest is copy & paste crap from other BS findings around the world.


It'd be really interesting to find out how much this mob is costing the country, annually.

Hey Indy,

I'd like to know too.

I found a report from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre who are the primary funders. The initial setup cost $180,013 in '07. With a projected budget of $11,579,000 over 4 years. As the actual budget/expenditure is wrapped up within the financials of the NDARC, which is part of the University of NSW and funded by Commonwealth Department of Health, so finding the 'kickbacks/retainers/grants/payments' to board members is a mess of obscure payments that you'd need an accounting professor to decipher.


An organisation that exists in its own right must have a constitution, or the legal rules it has to run by. BUT being that this is run via Commonwealth Department of Health it's simply considered a 'subsidiary', so it will have guidelines rather than laws to abide by and no constitution. The legal side would be handled by the department. There are many 'special' grants that a government department can give. Study grants, research grants, community grants, procurement grants etc. So although the projected expenditure was $11.5 Million over those 4yrs, any additional grants are a bonus.


If anybody else has any information, please, let us know



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I gave up 170 a week ciggie habit and drastically reduced my alcohol consumption, bottle a day to having a 4 pack of turkey still sitting in the fridge from 2 weeks ago all from when i started using cannabis as my go to, also used ecig as well over that time, say what you will but the hip pocket doesnt lie


EDIT I tried everything to stop the burners too, i had hypnosis left to try, i tried em all, from zyban to lozenges to the spray and whatever else you might think of, nearly did myself in with champix while taking Cybalta as well serotonin overdose that was a crazy ride let me tell ya lol

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Time for the Ncpic to be investigated! I smell lies, systemic corruption and most importantly a total waste of tax payers money!

What can we the tax payers do about this ?

Surely there is someone out there with the smarts to band together and start the ball rolling on abolishing these lying parasites!

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