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pot size, sexual maturity and potency


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Hi everyone,


I've read conflicting info about sexual maturity and effect on potency and am just wondering what other peoples' experiences have been.


I have a number of plants that were sown early to mid-November and are just coming into flower but still have opposing nodes and I'm wondering about the consequences for potency of the final product.  


Also, the plants were far too long in 1L rocketpots while I was waiting to sex them, could this be the reason that they have taken so long to reach maturity?  They were finally put in the ground between Xmas and New Year but by then were 3 times the size of the rocketpots and well and truly ready for transplanting.


This is a Fast Neville, but I also have the same issue with several other strains.


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I've grown plants from seed that never had alternating nodes because they didn't vege long enough before flowering and it made no difference to the quality of the end product at all as I harvested based on the maturity of the buds and not the plant as a whole.  The clones alternated because they were more sexually mature and the buds were exactly the same the second time growing them.


Nice girl btw :)

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Agree with the Doc, it doesn't make a difference to the quality of the end product. Main difference between flowering sexually mature and sexually immature plants is the immature ones will stretch more during the transition from veg to flower.


OH! So THAT'S why those two of mine have stretched so much! >_<

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