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Seedlings too bloody slow! Am I overreacting?

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seemed to have found the problem..I mix up my nutrient in a 25L tank...


now i DOUBLED checked my ph at a steady 5.8 in there...


I checked it today and it was sitting at 7.5!!!  this seems like the reason!

Might have had a dead bug in there that raised the PH.. who the hell knows..


ive moved the plants in the shade... the weather in sydney is a killer at the moment. Ill let them dry out a bit... and this time mix up my nutrient in 3L milk containers for the time being .


im putting another 4 more plants in the grow too.


 telling ya mate, the fact they are auto's outdoors is a real issue. you really need to start them indoors under some cfl's for the first 2 weeks. im sure the nutes have an effect too but yeah

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Oh well .. learnt from this one... Ill just let them be.. see how they go and see if they survive and might have tiny bonsais producing bud for me.

I have 4 DNA Chocolate fondue. (UK CHEESE x Chocolope)... I'll chuck them in the other 4 pots and see what they bring me...
I had good intentions to just do the autos this year , didn't realise they are sensitive when they are young like this...
and im a bit late to start some regular outdoors now... Damn.

indoor is not an option.

thanks everyone for contributing.  Ill update in a couple of weeks

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I grew think different and they were slow in veg and slow during flower. Ended up a 90 day plant for me.


If you're growing with coco get some rhizotonic and follow the canna grow guide. Just give it a light feed for the first week with coco or else you end up blocking the supply route for the roots. Also try some foliar feeding as autos seem to love it. Just use 2ml per litre of rhizo in a mister and give them a light spray once a day. I have been doing this for a while and it speeds up their growth in the first couple of weeks. 


Also for your next grow try this tip for autos:





  1.  Cut the bottom off a “party cup” or 7-10cm pot. 
  2. Place 2″ of damp coco:perlite in the bottom of a 3 gallon pot
  3. Fill the larger, 3 gallon pot with coco-perlite (dry)
  4. Bury the “party cup” or 7-10cm pot half way down in the 3 gallon pot. Fill this with coco-perlite too.
  5. Now plant your germinated seedling into the party cup and water in as usual.
  6. When you water your autoflowering seedling (and remember no.3 above!!) make sure you water ONLY in the small pot for the first 10-14 days. This will ensure that the seedling gets the water it requires (and depending on its age, the nutes too).
  7. In the meantime the auto’s tap root will hunt downwards with accelerated growth hunting out the damp layer of coco-perlite it just knows exists at the bottom of the 3 gallon pot. The tap root sends out a vast network of smaller fine root hairs also looking for this source of water.

This method of growing autos pushes your autoflowering plant to develop a highly developed root system that will accelerate root growth (and thereby maintain larger plant growth) during the first few weeks of its life.

It also avoids transplant shock which, given an auto’s automatic race towards harvest, it cannot recover from naturally
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