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Seeking Expert Aeroflo Operaters

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How you doin. Just wanting to find anbody with aeroflo experence. I have come across an aeroflo 36, and would like to have a succesful grow. So I was thinking maybe you could help a fella out with some of those rookie mistakes and things to look for. There are a few things I have gathered like the tubes are a little small so you veg very little 5-7 days to keep them small. Res. temp I've been told is critical to prevent root rot. I've seen several methods of cooling them, whats yours? Is there anybody that makes these look easy?
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Hey bro,


Jacks in the same position as you. Nobody seems to know anything about Aeroponics in this country. The local Hydroshop has jack all products for aeroponics.


The Aeroflo is made by General Hydroponics (the best company in the world by far for hydroponic nutrients and equipment).


Im currently making lists of advantages and disadvantage of aeroponics systems.





Extreme growth rate and extreme flowers can be obtained (much more then edd/flow or bucket, NFT)


Huge amounts of oxygen at the root zone.


Very easy to take cuttings using aeroponics.


Plants responds very quickly to any additive put into nutrient.


No medium is required to grow in




Nutrient must remain cool (20-21) of root problems will occur.


Roots must not dry out (makes it hard if there is a black-out)


Nutrient EC and PH must allways be correct - there is no room for error as your plants will respond within 1 hour.


Spray nozzels have a tendency to clog, again causing your air suspended roots to dry out.


Plants have a tendency to fall over if not tied or supported.


Can not use organic nutrient as ths will block filters and nozzels.





Hope this helps bro, ive never grown aeroponics before, but have been doing alot of research latley.



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Hey guys,


I have used a simaler product, Aero9. I didnt have any problems with it even though it had 3 in pots that were close together and small root growing area.

I had water temp at low 70 degrees Farenheit. I had to trim the roots on my 2 females that were left out of 7 plants. I grew 2 6ft females with only 3 in depth for roots, although they just layed at the bottom and was wort of ebb and flow.


I have now built my own Aeroponic system from cheap parts i bought.

I am now flowering my 1 female i have in a 5 gal. bucket and she has 8 aero misters in a 5 gal. contanier instead of 2 per plant on the aero 9.

My plant look flawless this time. I had no experience but growing hydro and it not that difficult besides mister clogging- thats why i have 8 misters this time.


If you have any questions i might be able to show you in the right direction.

Heres pic of my plant to 2 days from 12/12 light cyclle.


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I used hydroton or clay rocks, with sprouted seedling from rockwool.

This was very effective.


I am using the same method on my second grow, this time i have alot more root growing area, I have my system running 24/7 with no timer and the plant loves it, this time on my second grow i have root temp at %80 degrees farenheit, and room temp is %76-80 F, roots this time are very thick, I am also using more calcium and iron and mag( I have a additive called cal-max), seems to grow more roots in aero and thickerr too.


I experimented with topping this time with success.


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