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General Q - How long from seed to smoke?


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advice for starting up with no bud or plants.....


if you're desperate for bud when ordering seeds online, get a cple of xtra seeds and make them quick autos (i've had 9 week from seed).

throw the autos in with your photoperiod beans and crack them at the same time.

by the time you are half way through your flower cycle the autos should be dried and ready for a bit of inhale-exhale motion..... lol having the auto buds ready to smoke before the harvest of your good photoperiod plants can have its benefits !

having the shitty autoflower buds available to smoke can help you get through the desperate times of the drying and curing of your photoperiod buds and stop you from harvesting them too early.


Is there a glossary of terms that I can study?   :unknw:

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Is there a glossary of terms that I can study?   :unknw:


well ok....

looking above i will try and help you out....


this should help you out a bit.....in a comical kind of way


auto's = autoflowering cannabis plants

autoflowering cannabis plants = cannabis plants that begin flowering after a set amount of weeks of vegetation, pre-determined by the plants genetics. the hours of light per day do not affect the plants internal clock and will only affect growth of buds and plants

9 week from seed =  buds are ready to harvest 9 weeks after seed sprouts

photoperiod cannabis plants =  indoor plants that require more than 12 hrs of light per day to remain in vegatative growth and less than 12 hours light per day to induce the start of the flowering cycle. outdoor photoperiod plants are similar however their growth cycles are determined by their geographical location and time of year in which they are planted

beans = cannabis seeds

flower cycle = the period after vegatative growth where a plant grows its flowers

inhale-exhale motion = getting stoned as fuck via means of inhaling and exhaling smoke/vapour of dried cannabis matter

harvest = when you cut your flowers off your cannabis plants, trim them and dry them and get them ready for curing

curing = after cannabis flowers are cut trimmed and dried they may be placed in jars/containers to allow the buds to reach a more enjoyable quality to smoke. better tasting smoke, more enjoyable effect;  a means of proofing cannabis buds.

shitty = cannabis that is not up to the standards that you wish they were. you may require to consume more buds than you would like to to reach a desired affect, or you may not get stoned at all from shitty buds because they are fucking shit.

desperate = junkie like symptoms causing you to ruin an exceptional crop of cannabis buds by trimming and smoking buds too early.


i hope that this helps you read my post schmeghead

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Look up perpetual harvest. That is what you want :D. Diagrams can be wonders for getting your head around this.


No you can't flower the same plant again. One and done.


For your first grow you will learn so much about plant life and the growing mechanics that you will pretty much answer your own questions.


Germ your seeds, veg them for a few weeks then start to research cloning when you get close to flowering.

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No you can't flower the same plant again. One and done.


Hello kelossus and welcome to the forum. Now with regard to the part of your post I have quoted... that's bullshit mate. lol


I have just finished the second flowering of a plant in my novelty log... "Shaggy Sculpture" and have put the plant back into vegetative lighting to go for a third time.


There are a few other people revegetating their plants after flowering... off the top of my head Skunkxxx's grow threads feature and multi time flowered plant.

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