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Debating On Smoking Weed W/ Doctor



hello guys,

sometime next week i'm going to my doctor to get some naltrexone tablets which i only have 3 tablets left and while i'm there i want to debate and hopefullly get a green light on smoking weed. does anyone here know any good links on the medical use of MJ. I tried oppening the medical forums but it couldn't open. i'm also getting some prozac and was wondering if MJ relieves depression (prozac doesn't work!!)?? have to get a source of info before i open my mouth with the doctor, right??Anyone know any medical MJ links. would appriciate it!! thanks!

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I tried oppening the medical forums but it couldn't open.

Moved it in here for you, some doctors approve some don't, but they have to respect your confidentiality and the worst they can do is give you a lecture but normally the most you see when you mention mj is a raised eyebrow.



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If you're just looking for an excuse to recreationally use, you won't get one. But if you're genuinely looking for help to your problem then you'll likely get straight answers from your doctor.


As Tom said, it's different according to the doctor you see, some won't like it, some could care less, and a brave few may actually tell you what's what about the stuff.


Good luck mate. :wacko:

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If youre serious about your health, personally think you have an attitude like 'my doctor is only an agent to help ME achieve good health'.


I tell my doctor everything I get up to, I don't ask him to judge. I am there purely for medical advice not lifestyle advice. Just like I don't take health advice from a bloke in a bar, I guess.


If anything is going to clash (medication wise), doctors must know what is going on receationally as well as over the counter stuff as well as prescription meds. I always tell the truth to the doctor.

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I use to abuse pills from doctors when I was 15-18 years old.. I never was on 'harder' stuff like heroin or morphine, but was on Amphetamines for a year from 17-18.. not a long time, but at taking 4 -6 $50 packets a day, it was a costly habit and a very dirty (but clean) habit.


Smoking weed with diazepam, temazepam, clonazepam.. is bad.


Naltrexone and prozac, also, will make you REALLY fkd up if you smoke weed with them.. i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT TO... they caus your brain to fry and you will become dumber and have MORE problems later in life.. (In laymans terms)\... Im 21, cant even get a job because I have bad anxiety, ,social phobia to some extent, I find it hard to socialize without drugs... and Extreme Insomnia.. Its 1pm, Havent slept since 6pm yesterday, sat up playing 2d ship Internet games and reading about MJ all night, and now drinking a few VB's to try get some sleep by 7/8pm so I can actually DO something during the day.. sucks so much. (BUT, I havent smoked weed on a regular basis for nearly a year and been stoned like twice since then.. ) I think the drugs are a cause of this, and hopefully I will flower some clones I have within the next week, so I will have some MJ in 8 weeks, and some GOOD shit in 10-12 weeks with an ongoing supply then.


Personally, I refuse to take any bullshit drugs that the doctors offer me.I am approximately 110kgs, 6' and have problems with people like doctors who assume that I am a drug addict. Even though I dress appropriately and have been super clean from the crap drugs for 2 or more years now. I eat healthy and am very discouraged because of these people daily and that is the problem I have. Controlling my temper is more of a problem than anything... especially from people with discriminatory thoughts and actions towards me. I am very education on ALOT of subjects, from computers to cars to everything... but cannot hold a job because of my lack of ability to sustain a regular sleeping pattern. Which blows, but shit happens and I shoulda listened when I was younger, but, at the end of the day, life is a learning experience.... no one can know everything there is to know.. there simply is not enough time before death to learn it.


Well, I think if you can (Without a guilty look on your face, or him Assuming you smoke) tell him that you dont smoke it.. or just not mention it, then dont tell him.


At the end of the day, you choose your life and destiny... sure, outer surroundings affect it.. but remember, if you see life as a game, it will go how you play it... I might've given a bit too much info.. but I hope no one is disturbed from my post.

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