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THC testing kits

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Hi I am on a mission to grow some bud with the highest thc levels. As far as I know the highest recorded level of thc is 33% for Tutenkhamon at spannabis 2011. To try and achieve this goal I started growing the tutenkhamon a few years ago and I have learnt the optimal way for it to grow. However I had a clone that started budding very prematurely resulting from a dodgy bulb but now what I have is a super concentrated bud about 25cm tall and about 20cm wide and I plan on growing it until the end instead of throwing it out and starting again. Now this brings me to my question to test the levels myself I would need to buy a test kit however all of the kits I have found only display readings of upto 25% thc. Is there a way to test bud that would be higher than that with a kit or does it need to be sent to a lab and if so how would I go about doing this with our ridiculous laws on cannabis in Australia? Also interested in testing the CBDs and CBNs.
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