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Bush bagseed adventure!

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Just switched the babys too 12/12 ao I can pick the he's from she's ;) hopefully both are she's so then I'll have have 4 females to go out :)


I've been giving each one 200 ml every 3 days they seem to be loving it :)


Let's hope by this time this week I'm staring at little pistols and not balls :P haha


Getting my supplies next week,

10kg blood&bone,

100 kg of potting mix.

And perhaps some garden lime.


Still a bit of debate on nutes,,, I'm going organic no chems! Horrible stuff :/


Any sussgestions on some organic nutrient that gives you your bang for your buck? Any feed back is appreciated! :)


Kkushman out! :)

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Hey there Mr Kkushman, I am giving canna bio organic nutes a go atm which the gals seem to like. As its the first time using this nute range and new strains as well, I am still dialling it in. Don't seem to be getting the big swell on the flowers as u would chem nutes, but the smells and flavour are great. Having followed the standard feed regime recommended the next run I will definitely be pushing them a bit harder. Canna recommends not to ph adjust water as it can cause lockout, which seems to be the case.

I will see how I go next run pushing the nutes to see if I will stick with the canna bio which seems pretty good tho is expensive.

Good luck with yer choice man

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just a quick update, all plants still going well, no signs of sex yet, hopefully will show by the end of the week :)

but i noticed tonight that somthing has been nibbling on them, not sure what yet but it shouldnt cause too much trouble i hope, ill post pics up in a few days 

Hey mate I'd recommend using thrive as great veg and nitrogen fertilizer. I find it also treats the soil as well, you can't go wrong.

hey krazyie, i was debating whether to use yates super thrive, because of the such high nitrogen percentage, its like 21%? i was worried it might burn them. is it yates super thrive your talking about? and have you had any experience with yates bloom and fruit, really high potassium for the flower stage..



Hey there Mr Kkushman, I am giving canna bio organic nutes a go atm which the gals seem to like. As its the first time using this nute range and new strains as well, I am still dialling it in. Don't seem to be getting the big swell on the flowers as u would chem nutes, but the smells and flavour are great. Having followed the standard feed regime recommended the next run I will definitely be pushing them a bit harder. Canna recommends not to ph adjust water as it can cause lockout, which seems to be the case.
I will see how I go next run pushing the nutes to see if I will stick with the canna bio which seems pretty good tho is expensive.
Good luck with yer choice man

i was only reading the other day about the canna range, alot of people seem to be using them, have you used canna vega or canna flores? these seem to be the main ones... not too sure tho. i dont have much experience in the nutrients area, for indoor ive only ever used growrite and budrite, works a treat not a single problem. but its like $80 for 1 litre of part a and part b.

lets us know how it goes :) 


cheers heaps guys! 


kkushman! :)

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hey guys, time for some pics! still no sign of sex yet :( tomorrow will be a week since switched too 12/12, so hopefully within the next week they should show :)


first two are the ( second best ) im going to name it glenda for now :)




the best looking one, im gonna name it daisy :)



finally a group shot, with glenda on the right and daisy on the left, with the one i germed and only sprouting just under a week ago under 12/12



once they show sex, im hoping both are females, if so, i shall return too either 18/6 or 20/4, for a week to recover, then give them there first topping for the season :) ill be experimenting this grow with topping/tipping and slight LSTing to try and maximize yeild.


i visited my plot the other day just for some recon, ;) its on the north side of a hill with direct sunlight for 85%-95% of the day.in about 2-3 weeks i will be turning over the soil and digging holes for potting mix and spreading blood and bone around for it to settle in, so its ready by late september-early october as we get late frosts down here. :)


has anyone used nitrosol? from coles. its organic liquid food enriched with organic blone and bone meal, good veg fert?


thats all for now folks! any comments/feedback is welcome :)




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Hi Kkushman, it might take 2 or 3 weeks for the plants to show gender as the plants are still in the seedling stage. I have a few smaller plants (6 -7 nodes tall) that have been in 12/12 for 13 days and only one has shown gender so far.


The Nitrosol should be fine during vegetative growth, the only addition I would suggest is some seaweed extract... which can also be sourced at the supermarket.  


It's best for your plants if you begin with no more than a quarter strength dose and build up the feed strength over time - but be warned, never exceed the recommended dosage.

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Hi Kkushman, it might take 2 or 3 weeks for the plants to show gender as the plants are still in the seedling stage. I have a few smaller plants (6 -7 nodes tall) that have been in 12/12 for 13 days and only one has shown gender so far.


The Nitrosol should be fine during vegetative growth, the only addition I would suggest is some seaweed extract... which can also be sourced at the supermarket.


It's best for your plants if you begin with no more than a quarter strength dose and build up the feed strength over time - but be warned, never exceed the recommended dosage.

Hey Louise! Yeah mine are between 5-7 nodes high, apart from the tiny haha which will most likely be scrapped :)

I already have some seasol too add as well :)

As with the 1/4 and 1/2 strength then to full, I'm well aware of that now after doing some reading, after I stuffed my first indoor grow up by using full strength straight up, sillly mistake :(

Thanks the for advice :)

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fellow stoners, just a lil update and some pics :)

they looked a bit hungry for some N, so i gave them 1/2 strentgh dose of grow rite, i know this is ment to be an organic grow, but its all i have at the moment till next week sometime. :)


first off, some pics of "daisy" shes going great i think apart from a lack of N, thats right, SHES A GIRL, show showed me her bits today ;) very excited about this, beacause i wasnt expecting much from bagseed.




this is "glenda" still hasnt showed sex yet,..   :(



so now thats 3 females i will have this season, im not getting my clones till its time to plant out :)

should have some pics of my area in a few weeks when i do the final prep. 


be back soon! sit back and relax everyone :)

Kkushman out!!


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Got em off to a nice start KK, you gonna be feeding them nutes or blending feed into your soil once you put them out? Either way, gonna be good to watch. Medi one is relatively cheap, mixed in equal parts with Power feed, is doing me just fine for veg. 25 bucks for the Medi one, 18 for the powerfeed, 3ml of each per litre, every feed. Hope that helps, fish emulsion and seaweed ferts.
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