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Pain relief, a fail.

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Cheers all, but the Burners better now:-) Tooth is still there, but only because the infection is as well. Once that's gone, the tooth will follow. Main thing was getting the infection under control, with antibiotics, however, turmeric paste is apparently a good natural remedy for minor infections, cloves for pain management, as you all stated.

I agree with you Merl, those days left alot of reminders to my system as well, things we used to do to ourselves, eh?

Anyway, toothache is friggen horrible! Canna will make the pain a little more bearable, but not to the same extent as an opiate. Codeine in my case, but once the infection is under control, most of the pain dissipates, and you can piss off the nasty stuff.

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I've made a cannabis oil / coconut oil blend at a rate of 1g canna oil to 5g coconut oil.  I've found this to have an excellent anti bacterial/ infection properties as well as some pain relieving properties.

If i had the tooth probs you mentioned Burner i'd be applying a good dab of this oil to the gum, try to keep it there as long as possible & apply it as often as you can remember.  The added upside is that you'll also get a bit of a buzz from it too!

I use it on any cuts/ scrapes i get, it stops the pain & speeds the healing HEAPS!!!

I got a quite nasty cut on my thumb from my bandsaw, good n deep & aching like a son of a bitch.  I kept the oil up to it night & day, took all the pain away straight away & it healed really quickly.

It would be a bit harder to keep it applied to a tooth/ gums - just thinking about it now, i'd apply the oil blend to a cotton wool ball, get it nice n soaked then tuck that ball up between your gums & lips.   but beware!  this blend is pretty potent!  so enjoy!!!   :)

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