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wood fire dangerous to health and cannabis smoke

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itic i just did a 2min research on turpentine wood. is the oil found in the turpentine tree or pine trees also as i like to use pinewood as it burns quickly haha

Im told the Turpentin trees heat up then explode like a bomb, so a wall of fire made out of these trees would ALSO sound like a war or worse thing thing would roar like an animal and explode like a bomb... Im staying in the lab, the fireies can have that!

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haha brick, ill do some research so when i go tree hunting i can identifty the good burners. itic what i meant in my question was im confused. are turpentine trees and pine trees the same. i ask this as it said on the net the turpentine produces toxic fumes. i havent heard any explosions of yet so i think im good haha. my mate gave me a bag full of wood from the servo or bunnings so should be good for tmw night haha
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lol . If you wanna see an explosion watch a hot bushfire from a safe distance rushig through a stand of paper bark trees, they hold shit heaps of water, and as the water turns from water to steam and has nowhere to go,.......... They explode............ scared hell outta me doin a controlled burn one day...... lol


Got fire on this Morning...... Lubbly.


Peace. Nibbler.

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Im told the Turpentin trees heat up then explode like a bomb, so a wall of fire made out of these trees would ALSO sound like a war or worse thing thing would roar like an animal and explode like a bomb... Im staying in the lab, the fireies can have that!


Pines explode, eucalypts explode, pretty much anything will explode if the temperature rises quickly enough. Anyway, a decent fire creates it's own weather system, so it's not so much the bangs and cracks coming from the trees, but the roaring winds, lightning and thunder, that you really notice.

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lol nibs metho ain't so bad on combustion fire I tried coating the thing with petrol wow did she go boom I was running round the room like a nancy haha probaly should have let the fumes vent up a bit same thing i looked like a shaved rat lol as for fire wood I enjoy getting my own get the chainsaw out ute in a couple of hours got a few tonne to last me months on end few bongs an set the 25 tonne woodsplitter up feel much better doing it myself than paying someone to do it releives stress to an gives you a feeling of acomlishment dot like certain trees simple find a dead tree of your liking an fell it somtimes you find dead ones still standing an as for inhaling fumes blah blah blah lol c,mon realy guys your worried about the fumes from your fire I think there's a lot more in this day an age you should be worried about than your fireplace
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