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wood fire dangerous to health and cannabis smoke

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sup dudes. sorry if this is the wrong section to post in but anyways winters been creepin up and i got my parents to build a fire place couple years ago. its an open fire place and every now and again i like to get a fire going. getting to the point i did some research and found that the smoke released from wood is pretty toxic, apparently as bad if not more than ciggies. the say that the particles of ash/dust penetrate deep into your lungs irritating them and causing cancer; bronchitus etc. anyone know if this is true/over exagerated? got me thinking does smoking pot have the same affects, carcinegons etc.
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Chuck a slow combustion heater in the open fire place, and put a plate over the top and around flue to stop heat going up chimney. These fires are much kinder to your lungs.

Open fires are shit anyway, all the smoke goes up the chimney.... if its clean, but so does all the heat too....

I have slow combustion running 24/7 this time of year



    peace. Nibbler.

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nibbler do thosw combustion heaters use real wood? i always wanted to have an open chimney, it makes you feel liie your out a little rural haha. that and i pull up a rocking chair close to the fire n put my pegs up near it. its less for warmth and more recreational fun. that and we spent 5k building it haha
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They are trying their best to outlaw wood heaters in my local(& very cold) area. The asthma foundation and various other groups often use similar arguments to the one posted by you in the original post.


I once read a post on this forum stating any burned vegatable matter would release cancinogens. Cannabis included.


I have also read petrol and diesel engines release similar nasties into the air.


Sadly, i'm usually to high to care enough to do any of my own research. So i can offer you no advice, all i can do is repeat what i've heard

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any burnt matter creating smoke rather than vapor can leave trapped particles in your lungs for later. This is one of the biggest arguments towards using a vape over a bong.

Same goes with your wood fire heater i guess, if it is not burning cleanly and is releasing alot of particles then yeah they could cause you issues if inhaled. Things like rocket mass stoves/heaters try to burn at a temperature where the escaping exhaust even has the particles burnt so it exhausts a cleaner vapor.

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hahah stealth, that makes sense green goat. id always been an advocate speaker about the safeness of thc, smoking pot and even reducing lung cancer but i guess a vapour or eating it is the safest way to go. what i truley know is i gta get the hell out of the city. to much dame toxins everywhere haha
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If ya dint know a slow combustion fire uses wood....... you shouldn't be allowed to use a lighter....... lol .

As for the rest of ya mamby pamby hippies... HTFU..... everything kills you in this world, so forget about it and just live.


Slow Combustion is relatively clean compared to Pot Belly stoves etc, and if you burn ONLY hard wood that has been dried and cured... that is as good as it gets.

My Slow Combustion Fire doesn't smoke except to start it at start of winter, after that its all clean hot air coming out, using good quality wood.


People using sappy, wet, under cured wood or things like gum wood,  and keeping their fire on flat out all day are to blame for most of the pollution.

Most of those people are in the city..... where ya really should be running a gas fire....


We live in the country- You know that bit of Australia where all ya food comes from? , theres no gas lines, and bottles are expensive..... wood is plentiful, and electric heaters are too dangerous.


Peace. Nibbler.

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sup dudes. sorry if this is the wrong section to post in but anyways winters been creepin up and i got my parents to build a fire place couple years ago. its an open fire place and every now and again i like to get a fire going. getting to the point i did some research and found that the smoke released from wood is pretty toxic, apparently as bad if not more than ciggies. the say that the particles of ash/dust penetrate deep into your lungs irritating them and causing cancer; bronchitus etc. anyone know if this is true/over exagerated? got me thinking does smoking pot have the same affects, carcinegons etc.


I stands to reason that the combusted smoke off a fuel like wood would contain many volotile chemicles. Different trees would be more hazardous. Turpentine trees for example, one good wiff of those fumes and your gone!... NOW can ya imagin the set of balls you must own IF you are willing to be dropped in by Helicopter to assist a ground crew that are facing off on a 20 foot wall of fire fueld by Turpentine.

Forget cancer and every other form of fear.

There are many ways to get sick, but only one way to stay well.... Keep you head clear of all the fear they will try to feed you.

(eat right, sleep right and try not to drink too much)

Don't watch the news. IF you have to stay current, then read a Newspaper and choose the articles you put into you head.


Cancer and Cannabis

There is a lot of good news there cut and paste the above heading into Google and start reading.



Edit: Oh and we have been gathering around fireplaces for a very long time. I did that last night with the kids. Nice little bone fire to see out the coldest time of the year, Bringing in the new year. Celtic Style

A Bomfire was once called a bone fire. A fire made out of bones burnt so hot it was belived to reguvinate the sun. And so the ancient druids climbed a high Cairn and made a Bone Fire at the winter solstice... in order to bring back the sun ...

(They seem so smart in other ways, I cant accept that they thought this also- I belive they knew exactly what teh sun was. They burnt bones because they needed somethign to get VERY HOT)

Scoy7, dont belive the first thing they tell u about something. Life is Fun and your mind is candy.

Edited by iTiC
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Do most of my smoking in front of this 350$ off ebay coverted lpg tank, can work as slow combustion or roaring its tits off, most relaxing getting ripped in   front of this,

I don't really care what shit I breath in its just too comfy

Middle pic is when its shut down it glows red hot




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