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Yeh I think you want the moderate to high CBD strains that are also low on the THC scale. I'm guessing a good ratio is say 1-4% THC/ 3-8% CBD

The CBD compound is basically anti everything including anti psychotic, so on that basis there could be a stabilzation of your neuro transmitters rather than a change as is induced by THC (whilst blazed ;-) )

Also I think there is an overall fairly powerful relaxion or sedation caused by the CBD not to mention the anti cancer properties of this compound.


Approach with caution.


From personal experience you have to hit anxiety head on. Nothing in my experience can beat intense exercise, reasonable/good diet and a few magnesium pills here and there especially when the anxiety strikes!!!


Peace J

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I medicate for anxiety depression and ptsd After years of being in the army... I was sent down a dark path of pharmacuticals and theropy... I became addicted to valliums and benzos... i was always scared to try cannabis because i thought it was unhealthy, dirty and would make me go crazy....


After about 2 months of smoking weed... i stopped taking my anti depressants, threw away my benzos and got my life back in order... im a much more positive person today thanks to cannabis

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Yeh I think you want the moderate to high CBD strains that are also low on the THC scale. I'm guessing a good ratio is say 1-4% THC/ 3-8% CBD

The CBD compound is basically anti everything including anti psychotic, so on that basis there could be a stabilzation of your neuro transmitters rather than a change as is induced by THC (whilst blazed ;-) )

Also I think there is an overall fairly powerful relaxion or sedation caused by the CBD not to mention the anti cancer properties of this compound.


Approach with caution.


From personal experience you have to hit anxiety head on. Nothing in my experience can beat intense exercise, reasonable/good diet and a few magnesium pills here and there especially when the anxiety strikes!!!


Peace J


Caution: Moderate use. I.e. No more then once a week toke. A high CBD to THC ratio. Indica.


A Psychiatrist, Clinical psychologist, CBT books and workshops, Exercise and a healthy diet goes a long way too.



Edited by Flying_Dutchman
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When I'm in large crowds I feel Paranoid and very anxious. How ever when I do smoke all that feeling goes away and I feel like I can be normal in a crowd and can talk to people with ease. I recon it just depends on who you are and how you are with cannabis but as The hash nibbler said it needs to be a type that will help I'm unsure of type I smoke I just do.

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