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House & Garden Cocos

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I went to my local hydroponic shop in January and old mate told me he was out of House & Garden coco due to them having quality control issues where it was being made. So they took it off the sri lankins or who ever make it and now make it in Holland.


So now it comes in and different shapped bag and different image on the front.


I had noticed in my last bag and another a few months back there was a sea shell amongst the coco, so I am not supprised there has been quality control issues. I will still continue to use H&G coco as I found it to be a bit better than the Canna. The Canna seems more ground up or finer than the H&G.




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H and G coco is fine, so are their nutes, been using them for years. H & G did have some quality control problems, see they got new bags now... lol


I found the H&G is finer, holds more water, but the Nutrifield is a little coarser and allows better aeration. I just use cheap brick coco now, but I have to treat it and flush it a lot.


The Premium ...Brunnings brand coco (with NO added fertilizers) , 15 bucks for 90lt from Bummings. Grab half the Block, Flush 4-5 times through mixing thoroughly every time, Handful of Dolomite to Buffer and add Cal/ Mag , treat with Great white Shark or similiar with Trichoderma etc to prep coco, and also treat with Neem Oil as a preventative to fungas Gnats. Done.


Bit of work but, it saves ya HEAPS..... you do go through a lot of water though.... peace. Nibbler.

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