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Help! Drooping Plant, Need To Save It

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Yup, I use Clonex purple gel, this can be obtained from any local gardening center for around 10 bucks. Lasts quite a while. That said, some growers don't even use rooting hormones, others use powdered forms, although with the advent of gel rooting hormones this has become less common.


Gardening Australia also suggests using honey as a rooting/anti bacterial gel. And aloe vera gel, (the flesh from an aloe leaf, stinks like bo, but good for sunburns) is also suggested as an alternative. :D :D I've used these, and I got slightly lower cutting success rates with these clones than with ones treated normally, but they were still rooting well. :D

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Guest Wilderbud

Most of my cloning has been done without rooting hormone but when I use clonex [you can buy it from BigW garden section also] I get a lot more roots within the same amount of time. :D


Take this time to figure out what went wrong - rip the plant up and check the roots when it has enough bud to satisfy you. :D


BTW do you have a dog/cat that likes to piss/shit on that particular plant? :D [everything else is taken I think hehe]

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