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Cannabis can cause psychosis in non-schitzo's: Study

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EDIT: I was looking for somewere to post about this experience Im having.

I have started working a 24 hour rotating shift. At a week at a time I work either 8-5:30, 3:30-12:00 or 12-8:30.

I suffer from an anxienty disorder that if left unchecked leads to depression. So my constant battle is not to get too exhauseted or I get depressed. And depression is like a singualrity, nothing else exsits but the singularity.

Part of what I need to do is smoke cannabis, avoid all high sugar diets incl alcohol.

However smokeing a blend of affi/blue cheese, with prolly more affi. Then having lunch and starting and 8 hour shift in the arvo has done some strange things to my head. Im experiencing an ache inside the head that feels familiar. I remember feeling this when the Drs got my antidepressant pills wrong and I whent a bit loopy.

Recently I think this is a shift in my day time serotonin that i exacerbated by indica variety midday. Trying to shake that off and work 8 hours was fucked. Beyong fucked. I just cant do it. I need some sort of miracle to happen or Im not going to last in my job, Im at the mercy of the god of this universe, Im sure if I dont get rescued from this, then my job is dead in the water and I need options.

Hey iTiC, fuck man I had no idea, thank goodness for the edit button! you are not a monkey mate you are divine! fearfully and wonderfully made in your mothers womb!


Working rotating shifts like that throws your whole body clock out therefore the serotonin levels will be up and down,staggered shifts are very taxing on the mind and body! Go see your doctor and tell him " I work to live, not live to work " get some documentation that in his opinion the staggered shifts are detrimental to your health go through the appropriate channels where you work and ask if at all possible could you be fitted in to just the one shift on compassionate grounds. Do not push the issue no matter how you think the outcomes going to go. They should comply if they can do it,even if it is a matter of only being politically correct, but most will see it compassionately, it is probably part of their policy and procedure anyway. Your mind and body will adjust to the one shift, doesn't matter whether it is night, afternoon or day shift and you will fit in better with family etc.


The indica would come into play as well especially if it is heavy on the couchlock side and you are being active at your job, maybe a sativa/indica or blend more heavy on the sat side might work out better


It is also a matter of priorities and routine, let's face it you have to work and for the time being anyway it is at that job, you have to eat, you need a roof over your head, you also may need to be a provider, you have to sleep and you are trying to fit into a family? or just society's routine in general. You also need relaxation time, or a quiet time, time that is yours and I'm not talking about all that great research you are doing that you may mistakenly see as relaxation, that needs to be piroritized too. Go jump in the pool with some family members that are kids, or go watch some indigenous kids frolic in the water, all they need is a river to enjoy themselves, go smell some flowers or behold the wonders of nature, just relax man everything is going to be ok. Jesus said it like this " don't worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow take care of itself " and Kung Fu Panda said it this way " yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift " and that burden you are carrying, get it off  your back mate it doesn;t belong there!


Before a great breakthrough there is always resistance and that resistance is always comparable  to how great that breakthrough will be, not just for yourself but for all of the rest of us too, you see we all need each other. We need you !


Take strength mate and rise up



Edited by sharpie
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I have sufferred from psychosis myself.


There is compound in cannabis that is anti- psychotic. It is CBD


The following link is the best article I have seen regarding cannabis and psychosis, from a medical standpoint. There are many great articles on this website detailing the effects of THC and CBD on mental health.



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Cannabidiol as a potential antipsychotic drug

The fact that cannabidiol is able to reduce the acute anxiety-inducing and psychotomimetic effects of THC has raised the question whether cannabidiol might also be effective in treating patients with established psychotic disorder.8 Evidence, although limited, seems promising: Zuardi and colleagues reported improvement in two patients treated with cannabidiol, whose symptoms worsened after discontinuation of cannabidiol. In two other patients, cannabidiol had no therapeutic effects; however, these two patients did not respond to other antipsychotic medication either.8 Preliminary data on a clinical trial including 42 patients described similar positive effects for cannabidiol on Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores, but with fewer side-effects than regular treatment with amisulpride.9

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Hey iTiC, fuck man I had no idea, thank goodness for the edit button! you are not a monkey mate you are divine! fearfully and wonderfully made in your mothers womb!


Working rotating shifts like that throws your whole body clock out therefore the serotonin levels will be up and down,staggered shifts are very taxing on the mind and body! Go see your doctor and tell him " I work to live, not live to work " get some documentation that in his opinion the staggered shifts are detrimental to your health go through the appropriate channels where you work and ask if at all possible could you be fitted in to just the one shift on compassionate grounds. Do not push the issue no matter how you think the outcomes going to go. They should comply if they can do it,even if it is a matter of only being politically correct, but most will see it compassionately, it is probably part of their policy and procedure anyway. Your mind and body will adjust to the one shift, doesn't matter whether it is night, afternoon or day shift and you will fit in better with family etc.


The indica would come into play as well especially if it is heavy on the couchlock side and you are being active at your job, maybe a sativa/indica or blend more heavy on the sat side might work out better


It is also a matter of priorities and routine, let's face it you have to work and for the time being anyway it is at that job, you have to eat, you need a roof over your head, you also may need to be a provider, you have to sleep and you are trying to fit into a family? or just society's routine in general. You also need relaxation time, or a quiet time, time that is yours and I'm not talking about all that great research you are doing that you may mistakenly see as relaxation, that needs to be piroritized too. Go jump in the pool with some family members that are kids, or go watch some indigenous kids frolic in the water, all they need is a river to enjoy themselves, go smell some flowers or behold the wonders of nature, just relax man everything is going to be ok. Jesus said it like this " don't worry about tomorrow, let tomorrow take care of itself " and Kung Fu Panda said it this way " yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift " and that burden you are carrying, get it off  your back mate it doesn;t belong there!


Before a great breakthrough there is always resistance and that resistance is always comparable  to how great that breakthrough will be, not just for yourself but for all of the rest of us too, you see we all need each other. We need you !


Take strength mate and rise up



Cheers, m8.

And as a strange coincidence I am reading this at the end of another zombie shift- I dnt know how I did it but Im rolling from one shift to another on a weekly basis! Im defn more scattered mast of the time, but it seems thats the lot of all shift workers. Ill take th $ to the bank, and think of the future I saw a nice patch of land near Albion, two damns. Your own tree covered mountain with great run off feeding the damns. Tho, I think Id like to end up retireing somewhere warm, like QLD; great climate for growing EVERY interesting plant, OR WA, cheep electricty, warm climate, new fresh ...

The rat race can't last for ever. Plus I still pray daily for a mass coronal ejection.

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Best of luck with your quest itic.

I know what shift work did to me when I was a young fella,screwed with my body clock big time an I still suffer from sleep prob's to this day mate,so hang in there an the sun will rise an set every day for you.  

Cheers m8, I get 40 something isn't old, this would have been easier to pull off when Im 20, and yeah I think I am getting used to it.

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please note the most recent study by cambridge on cannabis and schitsophrenia there is absolutely no causal relationship - WIN. What i have found is that cannabis causes severe psychosis in those that have never tried it, namely the experts who's 'valid scientific data' denoting cannabis has now been wholly debunked and their studies proven to be clearly and absolutely flawed - WIN! Edited by _Puff_Tough_
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please note the most recent study by cambridge on cannabis and schitsophrenia there is absolutely no causal relationship - WIN. What i have found is that cannabis causes severe psychosis in those that have never tried it, namely the experts who's 'valid scientific data' denoting cannabis has now been wholly debunked and their studies proven to be clearly and absolutely flawed - WIN!

Would you happen to have a link? Would love to send it to my sister in law and shuff it up her psychiatrist arse. Metaphorically saying that is ✌

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