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Ingenious Idea

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do you guys know about all the THC you lose when u breath out smoke? well i've just come up with an ingenious idea! (sorry ppl, not trying to brag but it is).

what u do is breathe in the smoke from what ever device you use, and blow it into a bong without a cone piece, like blow into the tube where the cone-peice should be.

now, this is the most important part, fill the bong your blowing into with alcohol! This way the thc will dissolve in the spirits/brandy (it should be strong) and the rest of the junk won't. and if u had used a water bong to inhale, then the end product will have even less crap in it.

then you drink it. make sure not to put too much alcohol in, or use a bong where u need alot of liquid. this is so u don't get too drunk and are not able to notice that your high. i will be trying it soon. if this works well, the amount of weed i use, and the amount i spend will be cut in half! i'll keep u posted on the results. any ideas/suggestions welcome.



Edited by wack0
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Now I understand your name.... lol No offence meant at all by that comment mate, the truth is I am a little bent and didn't understand the ins and out's so really...I cant comment, sounds good though maybe? Nice to know there is still some creativity left out there... ;)



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Why not just grow more weed? As I understand it the THC on the plant is converted to vapour when you burn it (or, if you're a civilized person, vapourise it). You inhale and the THC recondenses inside your lungs (this has something to do with the famed "expansion effect" that makes newbies cough up when they get too greedy on the bong). I think all you exhale is crap carcinogens and burnt organic matter. If you vape you generaly only exhale steam. Better yet, just grow more weed and don't get stingy about second hand smoke.
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Now I understand your name.... ;) No offence meant at all by that comment mate, the truth is I am  a little bent and didn't understand the ins and out's so really...I cant comment, sounds good though maybe? Nice to know there is still some creativity left out there... ;)



yea lol i was expecting that ;)


gruntus- i heard somewhere that eating weed is more economical than smoking because ur lungs don't absorb all the thc, and some is wasted. so i think this *might* work. but i was completely baked when i wrote that as u can probably tell ;)

the resulting mixture would probably have dissolved carbon dioxide but nothing else different that what u would inhale. anyway i havn't tried it yet so i havn't got a clue how good its going to work.


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Ferenge420: a vape is a device that converts the resins on your organic matter into a vapour that you can inhale. You get all the buzz without the carcinogens and miscellaneous crap you get from combustion. Opinion is divided on whether its the same type of high or not but I don't much care about that - it does the job. There are two main types of electric vape - the hot-plate sytle (usually in a dome with a hooka-like hose to inhale throo') and the short-stem style. The former generally use heat applied directly to the bud, the latter will pass super-heated air throo' it. My research indicated the latter was superior and that's what I own (and Aromazap).


wack0: ingesting is the least harmful and most economical approach to weed but you must have a good attitude to delayed gratification -which I'm not so good at. Like I said before, I don't believe in nitpicking over small savings. Grow more weed ..

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well that idea is for people who buy there weed and don't grow it. its going to be abother 4 months or so before i have finished growing my weed, so till then ill have to keep buying. has anyone tried those vapes that u heat with a lighter? they look like it would be pretty easy to suck up bits of weed, bu are there any designes that blocks bits of weed coming up the tube?
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well that idea is for people who buy there weed and don't grow it. its going to be abother 4 months or so before i have finished growing my weed, so till then ill have to keep buying. has anyone tried those vapes that u heat with a lighter? they look like it would be pretty easy to suck up bits of weed, bu are there any designes that blocks bits of weed coming up the tube?

yeah they work well. you get some smoke, as its hard to control heat with lighter, but still helluva lot smoother than bongs IMO.


Just stuff a bit of tissue in mouthpiece of pipe as filter. Ventti slims work good as well.

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