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Shame we lost the photos. It is indeed very interesting. I think there is alot of genetic variation amongst landrace species of cannabis. As opposed to the genetically manipulated varieties that are sold as seed today. In direct relation to time, the biological viability of seed and the ever changing geographical environment we are now finding that landrace varieties of cannabis and unique genetic expressions are becoming extinct.
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Hello again,


The pics disappeared somehow, the image hosting service I used somehow doesn’t show them anymore… I tried to use the forums gallery but it didn’t work, probably because I’m a new member, so I reuploaded them on another website but now I see I can’t edit my posts more than one time so please if someone can put them back in the first and second post. Pics are now in "high" quality if you click on them. These are the ones from the first post:




These is the first plant of the second post:




And these are the second plant of the second post:




I’ll be glad to put them on the gallery but it doesn’t work.

I found some PDFs of old documents giving location of wild cannabis in lower Austria, some of those are very old but it gives me an idea of where to look before the season is over.

I'll be back soon to tell you about my hunting…



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Hello again,



I see there hasn't been alot of comments since I reuploaded the pictures and these have not been moved to the first post but I'm back with lots of new sand pics! :)



I don't know where to start... Oh yeah lets start here : what I thought were just a dozen of plants growing on the side of a field turned out to be an invasion ; this field seem to have been abandoned years ago and invaded by different plant species but still there is what I think to be barley all over the place. I saw plants with like little buds a few meters away but as here almost every plant looks like cannabis from the distance I went and checked, there was cannabis all over the place! probably 10th of thousand (hard to estimate as they are well hidden in the vegetation) very small, very ruderalis typed, almost no leaf with more than 3 fingers. You can't imagine the excitement. That far I hadn't seen more than 30 at one time... They were exactly the size of the barley and grasses around and therefore hard to see, just some darker spots on the field like shadows :




Most of them were very mature already (seeds falling of) and it was a peasure to see how purple some specimen were, all the gradient from light green - dark green - purple - to completly black, yes black buds!!!




I started walking around looking for particular plants and found one plant with small unserated leaves! I took seeds and 3 leaves. Unfortunatly I forgot to take a pic and and I coudn't find her afterwards but stil here are the leaves compared to the webbed one (I broke the tip) and a very sativa-ish plant from another place...




While walking through the field, touching, smelling I had an idea, sterility is quiet common among animals and plants and on such a large field I believed to have a big chance of finding one sterile or at least semisterile plant to smoke (I had not smoked ruderalis since i grew them on my balcony 2 years ago and I didn't do it again because I grew some stronger, better yielding plants)... And yes I found some with very few seeds (I also realized how longer seedles plants live) until I passed next to THAT plant :




Never saw a ruderalis plant like that one, it has the typical caracteristics of a ruderalis plant (short size, smell, growth and flower patern, 3 finger leaves) but every thing was thicker and the leaves bigger I took some buds of that one too and the smell and taste is better than alot of the "commercial" strains I tried, unfortunately the high was very weak compared to another one I found... On this big plant I found less than 10 seeds (doesn't mean they are viable although they seem to)... My opinion is that this plant is a polyploid, because the "improvement" compared to other plants around is very similar to the improvement polyploidy can induce on food crops. Now befor someone makes a comment on polyploidy in cannabis not being possible I want to say that I made a lot of researche about it and YES it is possible and does, in most cases, increase the yield and the vigor of the plants but the problem seams to be that the polyploidy isn't stable and nobody has successfuly maintained a polyploid strain instead it seems to jump back at some point to a diploid state or produce sterile plant... now a polyploid plant normaly can't produce seeds if polinated by a diploid plant (also sterile between different states of ploidy like a triploid with a tetraploid, stil there is sometimes some particular cases but I don't want to say more because I may say something wrong)... It is just an idea it might also just be a spectacular phenotype...


I also realised that were cannabis grows in the field the vegetation around seems to be less dense as if the soil was somehow poisened, I thought of the chemical content of trichomes being a reason, this would be another evolutive explanation for purpose of trichomes but the toxicity of cannabis "humus" to other plants would need to be proved ,here is a pic to show what I mean by less dense vegetation :




I'm tired again of writing, It is probably FULL of gramar and tiping errors, I hope it won't be to hard to read and understand. That might have been my last trip to my wild cannabis fields for this year, most plants are already dying... I'll come back soon to see your comments and add what I forgot to say...

Good reading,


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Heya Dada =) ..........I'm starting to wonder if you havent stumbled across an old Hemp Plantation, and these aren't the munted off spring of it. hemp was farmed widely in Europe in the olden days for hemp seed oil and fibres for clothing.

.... Just seems strange there are so many of them confined to one area....... either that or someones commercial crop got busted years ago, but the seeds just kept on comin....lol .....


I'm intreged......


Have you had a look in the surrounding areas, to see if they there too, or just this one field? Peace. Nibbler.

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