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"High-less" strain???

Guest Urbanhog


Guest Urbanhog

I know this may be a silly question, but I am curious what happens if a old or middle aged person, who probably never smoked or digested pot in their whole lifes, and their "medicial condition" is getting worse, and they tired using cannabis as last resort for their "condition" and they tried, and found it very benefitical in their case, but what happens if they didn't enjoyed the cannabis "highs", but enjoyed the medicial efffects of cannabis?? I know this may be "off tracked question". I guess they could always cut down the doses, because I read some of my Amercian Cannabis cookbooks and they mentioned (a very small sentence) that the "THC's" can be beneifitical in small doses without getting high but get relaxed instead. lol


Any input??


Cheers, Urbanhog :P

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the other thing I meant to say is that I suffer regular headaches and take a variety of over the counter pills which mostly work well, however to my dissapointment mj doesn't seem to help it, and in fact seems to make it worse (maybe due to elevated heartrate?)

Exactly the same. I suffer from persistant headaches, and MJ just makes em worse.

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Guest Urbanhog
the other thing I meant to say is that I suffer regular headaches and take a variety of over the counter pills which mostly work well, however to my dissapointment mj doesn't seem to help it, and in fact seems to make it worse (maybe due to elevated heartrate?)

Exactly the same. I suffer from persistant headaches, and MJ just makes em worse.

have you ever tired homegrown MJ? that you grew yourselves and will they cause haedaches? because some commercial buds can cause headaches, due some commerical growers skipping the flushing process before haversting....


Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Try smoking through a good vaporizer, they even have a battery operated model now.


You get the THC but with no smoke and it makes a gram last about 20 pulls and is so much more healthier than a water pipe or joint.


The actual high is a lot better, no nicotine head spins and heavy feeling in your chest after a big session.

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g'day; if you want low "high" from mj, why not just smoke the leaf?

THC grows on leaf, it can get you high easily if you are not a regular smoker.no need to grow plants thru to flowering, you can maintain plant in constant vegetative growth and harvest leaf constantly.



i do get immune to a strain if i smoke it too often so i like variety. i normally grow 3 strains at one time.

homegrown is smoother smoke than what dealer sells, if you flush (if using hydro).

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Guest bozbongou

Seems most all get used to soft drugs of the same type all the time and then little "high" effect anymore. If one drink it is exactly the same, one could get used to a 100 proof whiskey and then go get pissed on a couple of beers. Likewise, change of smoke can knock you down even though it may actually be "weaker". Go figure... guess our bodies just always attempt to reach equalibrium... probably a good thing. Then again, may it is the death drive. Uh oh! Probably best to keep smoking and prevent true equalibrium from setting in.


Headaches, Pipeman, me too but I'm pretty sure that it is due to coffee addiction. BTW, the other fellow, coffee with your smoke might kill the munchies pretty damned well and if you have sleeping dope then all the better. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated... This especially for headaches too! IMO If the munchies persists smoke some good tobacco, something clean and natural... no more apitite then. This is interesting: The hunger and headache thing are probably closely related. How come nobody likes the old stand byes anymore, like WATER and proper SLEEP? Headache pills and speed and so forth. I thought I had heard that Australia was going green. Good luck with that. Wish we had even the little bit of power that your all greens just gained.


Oh yeah, headaches, Yeah just like the man said. Market stuff is often harvested early for obvious reasons, e.g. greed. Yeah and it is full of junk, not flushed and probably been down some guys pants as well. I MUST grow my own and soon. I had some stuff the other day that looked great but smelled like a wet sock, tasted like shit, got me stoned like coke and left in about an hour. So expensive that I am still pissed off like hell. I'm done with the Jamaicans. No offense to Jamaicans, just the ones who push that junk.


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Guest Stoney

i use MJ to sleep..and, for nerves...i usally smoke it at night..after a long day to help me relax..i try to keep the level high enough so i dont get cranky...and i get a good night sleep..



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Homegrown MJ dont do shit for headaches, I get migraines all day, and MJ dont make no difference at all no more, Unless I choke then my head pounds.

But back a while back MJ would make everything so much worse. Even outdoor organic bud.


I dont think its MJ though, I think its smoking, smoking could cause many problems with sick people, a throat infection from mouldy buds could kill an aids patient in the end.


Anyway, I smoke alot of pot, but you can still get high, cieling is a fair bit of a myth, whoever came up with it has pussy weak lungs.


I need a bowl full of dope to get me high, so I smoke a bowlfull.


I can get just as high off 30-40 cones as you recreational (non-pro) smokers get off 6 cones. Not quite as high, but I still get stupid and tired and fall to sleep when i smoke a nice indica.


But yeah changing strains is very necassary. I grew one strain a while back, and even though its Super Silver Haze, which would knock most peoples head off, but i did a 3 for 1 swap and got some bushy ounces of that Guava#1 aussie strain, leafy stuff. blew me away.


Anyway 2 times in my life when I havent smoked pot for a fortnight or so, and both times I had siezures. So smoke it.

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Urbanhog; this is the issue that has caused so much anti-gov. agreement with supplying grass for medicine. Well, this is the reason they sometimes quote at any rate.


A survey was done regarding the THC pills (synthetic I think). Some people agreed that it helped their pain, but if they have had no experience with grass, it scared the crap out of some of them. Especially perhaps since it was swallowed, not smoked. The dose was so hard to tiltrate.


I get migraines regularly, and I get bad headaches too. I've always found that if I smoke grass during an episode, it increases the pain through the roof. Organic, hydroponic, eaten, smoked; whatever. It just wont do it.


But; if I'm have a run of clusters, and I expect to have an attack at say 4 pm tommorow afternoon, and I smoke at say 2 pm, it will very often break the cycle.


I think the use of pot for headaches is one of a propholactic, rather than a responsive drug. If at all.


If anyone here is having bad headaches, wheather it be cluster headaches, migraines; what-ever...try using a product called "Immigran" . I used the tablets and it worsened the headaches. I've changed to using the nasal spay and fairdinkum, it's really helped me so much I can't begin to describe it. It isn't working as well as when I started to use it a few years ago, but it still works if I catch the attack when I first notice the "aura" coming on.




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