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How long can a stone-over last for? How Smoking MJ affects me

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far out ... sometimes i have to check to see if this really is OzStoners or a Vegan Sunday School ...


should be remembered that smoking weed is a voluntary pastime

ive never seen anyone twisting ppls arm to make them smoke ..


and if you think you are going to end up a terminal fruit-cake from using it, just say NO!

at least that should leave more for the rest of us who DO like to get retarded now and again



Edited by Frazz
meh .. i was going a little too far
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I have a question about the effects of marijuana.

When I first tried marijuana, it wasn't a lot, and it wasn't long ago. It was just one joint, pretty small, and I can recall it having a very brain-bending effect, not quite like a happy laughing time, more just a wavy world and a wonder about everything.

Not that this is a bad thing for me, I love it. Just looking deeper into things, realising things that don't exist.


a few weeks later after having about 2 or 3 joints since then...


The next time was quite the same, but it took 2 joints to feel anything. Just wavy and watching youtube videos with my friends.


The time after that it only took 1 joint, but that was the BEST joint I had ever had. I felt so great, I was laughing my ass off, life just seemed so beautiful and easy... my friend driving me around in the car the world was my oyster.


The fourth time my friends were supposed to be coming over again, so I rolled quite a few joints for everyone, but one of my friends had a fight with his misses and he was the lift for everyone, so nobody showed up, I just thought fuck it and smoked the lot. Ate a lot of food (including bacon with the fat still on it which I am suspicious of to this day)

After that night I had the strange wavy feeling like I was almost stoned, but fully alert for about 4 days... since then I had not felt that happy amazing feeling that I felt when I tried it.


I don't know the type of marijuana it is, I get it from some teenager a year younger than me who I'm told steals it from his dad....


Could this be because I am having different strands of MJ, and that one joint I had was just luck of the draw?

Should I stop smoking the magical herb for about a month then try again with only one joint?


Any tips/advice you can give will help a lot,


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Hi NDS, yeah it is quite possible that you are getting a different strain or phenotype of Cannabis each time or even the same strain/pheno grown differently is possible. Another thing to consider is how you feel at the time (set) and where you are, who you're with, and what you're doing (setting) can affect the experience you have.


Also over a period of time consistently smoking Cannabis can develop your tolerance to it (although some of this may be strain/pheno specific tolerance). As I'm sure you realise the best way to avoid building tolerance is to not smoke too often. Taking a month off should reduce your tolerance if in fact you have built any up yet.


One of the things I love about Cannabis is how it can encourage you to look at things from different perspectives, it can really instigate some interesting conversations that some people aren't often open to.


Naycha :peace:

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Occasionaly, you meet someone that is allerigic to weed. Sad but true If your having unplesant side effects dont push it. If you still wanna continue smoking try taking a cuppla drags then put the joint out. Let those two hits sink in. give it 10-15 minutes. If ur ok then enjoy. If you feel like more light up.

Ive personally met a cuppla ppl I think should have stayed away from pot OR something; maybe they should have just stayed away...

coz now they aren't together in anyway at all. My mate just pushed things too far AFTER he knew he should have stopped...

so smoke on that and concider.


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Noobie Doobie Smoker iafter reading your last post i strongly recommend that you do not smoke any Cannabis until you are at least 20 yrs, even then maybe not at all

reason being Cannabis is mind altering and your brain has not fully developed, as suggested by previous posters Cannabis is not for everyone



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