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pics of this yr's crop

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greetings friends thought i'd share sum pics of my outdoor plants . the 1st pic is a nice wee skunky lady started from a indoor clone , the rest are from seeds that i had from and oz i purchased . just good old NZ bush weed . There seems to be a major shortage this yr of pot , we put it down to the advent of " P " it seems easier for people to make a killing off this and they are not growin like they use to !!!! Weather has turned to shit here but the girls seem to be handlin it ok .


L8tr all



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Guest BudWaver

I heard things in nz werent going too good with the advent of speed in new zealand....people that couldnt handle their alcohol are now taking speed and alcohol and are going on violence sprees....


And damn that shits expensive in nz...


Stick to the ganja and youll be fine


Have you sexed your bagseed plants/?

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Looks nice mate, although the pots appear a little small.... Do the roots reach down into the soil? Or is it just bottomless to start with?


Anyway, looks like some big ass buds will be on your way mate, as BW asked tho, are they girls? :D


If the government regulated our RIGHT to cannabis, then perhaps we wouldn't have anywhere near as much abuse of "harder" drugs.... ;)

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thanks for da replys friends , to answer your questions . the bags r larger than they look and have larger drainage holes in bottom which allows the roots to pentrate into the ground , been growin this way for close on 15 yrs and have had ripper buds . yip da plants have been sexed and the males removed except for pic 5 i'm pretty sure that there is an afghanie female which i'm goin to let seed . luckily they are not all in the same area so i'm not stressed by the thought of more goin that way .

i have anther lot due for inspection later this week so i'll let ya have a sqizz at dem , they are not in bags just straight into da ground so fingers crossed they look as good .


hope dis solves a few ? 4 ya's


take care all


bushy ;)


p.s i'm not kiddin the weather has turned crap we've had hail sleet !!! my poor baby's :D

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