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Male/Female selection and seed production (Project Blueberry)

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Hey Indoor, enjoying following this along (not enough breeding threads around) and keep the pics and updates coming :thumbsup:


Nothing constructive to add, but I'd like to know how much stretch you have experienced from different DJ BB phenos? Some of the phenos of the f3 beans I am yet to crack have been reported as having as much as 500% stretch when flowered. Both the mother and father were short stocky indicas and were selected in the attempt to produce nice indica leaning progeny. Hopefully I get the lucky pheno lol


Naycha :peace:

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Hi nay,


I only used one mum for the dj bb hybrid.... upon reflecting on the current strains im running, I wish i had pollenated all of the dj bb fems ..... it was the very short squat 60/40 maybe 70/30 (rough guess) indi/sati fem that i used to create the dj bb hybrid.... regardless of my choice of this dj bb mum i am likely to still find the sati leaning dj bb amongst the progeny i have grown in the current grow .... (genetically probable anyway ...) I'm not entirely sure at the moment though ... the sati leaning dj bb stretches for an extended period of time compared with the indica leaning dj bb (from what i've gathered so far) so i will be able to better judge if i have the sati leaning dj bb leaning progeny or the indi leaning progeny in a few weeks .... at the moment i think its safe to say most are leaning towards the indica aspects of the bb .... the leaf margins of the original mother used were wide and the morphology somewhat cuneate in appearance ..... (as opposed to the rather linear nature of the fingers of the sati leaning dj bb....) these are terms im unfamiliar with myself but wanted to describe the indica nature of the foliage in-detail.... I have noticed the same indica leaf morphology within current progeny though ...


I'll know for sure in a week or so if the dj bb hybrids are very stretchy .... not that i will know with a lot of accuracy because of high density planting .... my canopy is outrageous at the moment .... going to be a bumper harvest ...... i rushed the last run ..... had a schedule i needed to adhere to .... now i can take my time with this run though .... looking forward to it all unfolding before my eyes .... so much fun breeding .... wish i was encouraged to get into it earlier .... wouldve saved myself the possible risk of detainment associated with seeds possibly being caught in-transit (by the fuzz) .... and a fucktonne of cash lol .. regardless .... variety is the spice of life so i'm glad ive sampled a few varieties..... can't wait for the next run ...... i'm going to get ahold of some fresh genetics ..... just focusing on potency for the next lil breeding project ....


peace, glad you're enjoying it bro..... sorry for the ramble .... my mind is so active/ballistic when i dont have decent meds at my disposal lol..... i'm considering reading books on biology to keep my mind fed... or something ... ... i'm bored shiteless here (at home !) at the moment .... but am also sick of seeing indoor cultivator and hunter s thompson (in my display pic) displayed on the main ozstoners page everytime i respond to threads lol ..... i seem to be littering the main ozstoners overview page with my presence ..... not sure i like that .... so i'm going to stop posting everywhere lol ... sick of seeing my name on the main page everywhere .... probably pissing off people aswell ...... merh.



*EDIT* - Will post photos of mums in later weeks.....

*EDIT 2* - chimera's c-plus accidental backcrosses were scrapped ....... not going to fuck around with plants that totally lack vigour ..... the c-plus mum that self-pollinated herself (was a hermie anyway) seemed to be a close to 50/50 indi/sati mix ..... and i'm just not happy with the strain ... o its as good as omega 3..... i am going to cross the bmr father from this run to a few killer bmr mums that i have found that are resinous even very early in bloom and are fucking large yielders ..... have great branching structure ..... would make a good outdoor plant actually .... possibly.. and will cross some dj bb pollen to the same mums .... i want to aim for genetic diversity in offspring ..... so that its possible to find many interesting pheno's within .... (for future breeding and isolation of medicinally effective strains ...)

Edited by ind00rcultiv8r
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very good ind00 :) ... no need to stop posting cause the greater the input the greater the ... errr i forget now , but keep posting anyways

dissapointing to hear of hermies in Chimeras works, but mind you its not the 1st time ive heard of hermies sprinkled through his genes , which is piss-poor considering the knowledge and experience he has with Cannabis :thumbdown:

its the only reason i wont touch his beanz


are you looking for inbred lines to work with or landrace or ... ?

looking forward to the photos anyways :photo:



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Hi frazz,


thanks for dropping by guys, feedback is swell :)


Not 100% certain on what strains i will be using to breed with next run ...... mostly just doing the obligatory researching before i bite the bullet so to speak .... I have been extremely interested in several rare dankness varieties .... but can't be certain, and tga seeds varieties ..... I know he cops a lot of guff ol' subcool from tga seeds but from my own personal experiences... having spoken to him in-person and all (online only)... he really does attempt to provide assistance to all growers wishing to grow medicinal erb', he seems to be a legit activist and has advised me on strains that i should consider based on my condition.He also donates to autism foundations frequently ... i admire him for that aswell .... i know of people who have had to deal with him for business .... and have heard some fairly ill stories , from my experiences alone though i will give his beans a grow.... (go...) ...the landraces on the list are .... (yeah, some are merely landrace hybrids with other genetics worked into them ...) I wouldnt usually post wish-lists on a forum but seeds can be sent with nothing but a reference code and no other identifiers... etc ..... so ...


landrace-ish varieties selected so far are the .. i want to interbreed these.....


Sandstorm - morocco hash X chitral kush

G-13 x Oaxaca x Afghan x Lebanese

mazar i shariff (thanks for the photos on the forum nay - i'm sold.)

pakistani citral kush (cbg seeds)


other strains on the list so far (and are most likely to be subject to change ... lol... - after further research etc .. . . . .. ) - All mostly regular seeds for breeding purposes ...


Ken's original grand daddy purple

BC THE BIG (g13xhawaiian) (BC bud depot)

OG Ghost Train haze (rare dankness)

exodus kush (dna)

***chernobyl, vortex (tga)

***Jet fuel G6

Mighty Grape / God Berry

***Grapegod 5reg 5 romulan diesel - next generation seeds

***Sour jack (sour d x jack herrer)

***Fire Master ogz - OG raskal seeds (master kush x fire og)

**Mendo Grape kush


mosca negra's new .... old time moonshine bubba kush or another of the "old time" hybrids...

DJ's Cocoa kush

Spice of life's DONK or maybe the blue satellite....

Soma's lavender

Mr nice super silver haze

DJ Short - Azure haze

Sweettooth #4 spice of life

Sour strawberry kush - BOGSSSSSS (Sour Bubble, Sour Diesel, Strawberry Cough and Razzberry)

nirvana seeds swiss cheese - not sure.

ww x free tibet

soma's somini

soma's sogouda


Granddoggy purps

Pepe Le Chem

/DP California indica or california orange

Sensi G13xHashplant ... or their straight hashplant maybe ..... or jackflash ..

Sour Spyder Autos - Spyder's

Sour Lifesaver - BOGGGGGGGG seeds .... and probably another bog variety or so aswell ...


as mentioned... a lot of this list will be eliminated after further research......


peace & pot,


*EDIT* - Sorry for the shitty formatting lol.

Edited by ind00rcultiv8r
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heya indoor! great thread mate! really ineresting for me as im trying to get right into this breeding thing for myself and family members , for our own meds .

question i have? is prob stupid, but hear goes-- if you have two differant strains that are male can you put them into a room of females of differant varieties and they will take on differant traights of each male ? or will some of the female strains only take on certain traights off certain males ?

geez sorry if it dont make sense ?


you can laugh , cry , or reply up to u bud all the best the feather

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Had to lock down this thread for a while but it's back now, not long until harvest .... more photos will follow. Especially of big juicy buds... I ended up using only 2 males, i had a glitch and was a lil greedy regarding how many male's i wanted to preserve (and collect pollen from ...) I selected 4 and the last male left in the tent was left in there for far too long, 3 days or so, so naturally this was a key father, it was a blueberry from the blueberry fathers photo on a previous page of this thread..... and i painted another cocoa/blueberry male onto branches of dj bb mum's aswell. I actually had a blueberry father that smelled just like cocoa/chocolate with blueberry undertones, i assume dj short used this male or a similiar male in producing the cocoa kush ... unfortunately cause the one male spread so much pollen already i didnt paint any of the cocoa blueberry pollen but have collected it nonetheless.... I have taken photos of this process and will post them shortly.


I have decided i will be growing the original f1's & f2's next run and will be selecting just a few males at most, maybe only one even (i dont have much space to work with and found it difficult seperating males for pollen collection.... cause i just dont have the room to do so - overconfidence lol). I will be keeping awesome mums ive pinpointed in the lineage, there are a few mums that are covered from head to toe in resin, seems like theres not a square inch without resin ..... very blueberry dominant, but has the yield and some of the resinous features of the blue moon rocks which is basically a "white strain" ..... it still smells like dj bb and tastes like it though ... and purple's out with blue tinge's easily ... (my growroom hasnt been very cool/cold) i'll grow 60 or so to find some of the decent fems to use as mums and will clone them .... maybe pollenate only lower branches with a paintbrush.... but next grow will be the blueberry hybrid im working on and not the blue moon rocks hybrid, i will grow that later... i have also found some killer mums in the bmr stock aswell.....


allowing the one dj bb father to remain in the tent longer than all of the other males was a mistake, but i wont be running out of seeds anytime soon.... sure to find many killer mums from the progeny of the plants ive bred.... i keep telling myself its not a fuckup lol and remind myself of the benefits :/ lol.... i'll probably yield 3000 seeds maybe, i have about 300 from sampling mostly just the seeded nugs that were sitting literally right beside the male that was left in the tent too long, i got lazy... shouldnt have left it in there.... regardless i'll probably pull close to 3 pound.... humidity's an issue at the moment, going to have to buy a de-humidifier ...... I cant push the plants as hard as i'd like to cause of bud density and humidity


These are photos of the girls at 3 weeks or under in bloom ... (project blueberry)


2.5weeks bloom *yawn*

2.5 weeks bloom

2.5 weeks ...

bmr breaky sesh


The last photo was a sample nug taken 4.5weeks in bloom... it was a random bud i grabbed for a wake n bake session .... not a bud i selected cause of tremendous resin production, just a random nug..... zoom in to see the tall standing tightly packed and dense trichomes.... really long standing trichomes... going to take more closeups soon.


*edit* - Hey pleasurefeather, no such thing as a stupid question mate, you're interested in dominant/recessive alleles and mendelian genetics / genetic pairing.... plenty online about it.. basically depends on if youre breeding f5's or f1's and the parents used and the possible combinations of recessive/dominant traits that can be cast phenotypically. (phenotypically isnt within my dictionary file that assesses spelling - weird.)



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